Friday, March 8, 2013


"For they are meaningful only to their maker, and so they have no meaning at all"
- ACIM -

We did not come into this life with identity. It was made. We came with no name, no idea or concept. We were birthed free from expectation or doubt. What of us then, was not made by us through this journey? What of others did we accept to be our own? What has this cost us? 

With what we have made we have discovered a land of fear, of suffering. Of sickness and death. And worst of all, we have found ourselves to be ALONE. And with this world we have made we have cast ourselves "into the pit". Guilt brought us here. Fear keeps us here. 

This is not the world God created. 

Truth must be shared, and this world we have made with our fear and our guilt is one we  experience alone. And for this reason alone, our world is not true.

"For these figures have no witnesses, being perceived in one separate mind only"
- ACIM -

We can choose to continue to live in this world we have made, where we suffer, get sick, and die. Or we can choose to give up the world we have made, and accept the Kingdom as it was created by the Father. The Kingdom is shared with everyone. It is shared with God. It is the ONE in ALL. 

It is in the world God created where he keeps our peace, our joy, our eternal love and grace. All we must do is put down that which we made at the "feet of the Lord" and accept the glory which is our birthright in the Kingdom of Heaven. 

So whats it going to be?

All.... or Nothing? 

Aum ♥

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