Saturday, June 1, 2013

Being human.... is not enough...

There is something that is happening on our planet, and its not the first time. It has happened countless times over the billions of years that life has been evolving on earth, yet this is the first time it can be consciously directed, in response to the presence of life- threatening crises and breakdowns. As a collective, we have the opportunity to make a quantum leap.

This is what life does when it reaches a ceiling. When it reaches an impasse. A wall. A point of no return. We as a species have reached this point, where every aspect of our civilization, global culture, and technological mishaps have brought us to the edge of page. We can no longer go any farther at our current altitude of consciousness. In short, we must evolve or die.

There was a wise man who once said, 

"You can never solve a problem at the same level of consciousness that was used to create it." 
That is really the easiest way to put it. On every tier of experience, from Individual to Global, we are faced with a vast array of crises, conflicts, and experiential cul-de-sac's that are threatening the stability of our civilization. Some of these issues are new, while others have been building up over several decades. 

If we have any hope of bringing change to our individual and collective experience of life, then we need to get into the zone. This zone is the evolutionary impulse, the fuel of the immanent quantum leap. It resides at the heart of all life and drives it toward greater and more holistic expressions. Call it God, Universal Intelligence, Evolution, Love, etc... Regardless of how you paint it, it is the same thing that is compelling us all to take that next step towards are greatest yet to be. 

When I look to all of the issues and crises that we face in our personal lives, and all the conflicts in our collective circles I notice that each of them has been generated by the Human Being. Or, Homo Sapiens Sapiens to be more accurate. And if the above quote holds any truth to it, then its going to take a very drastic shift in the pillars of our idea's, thought's and beliefs of Who and What we are, so that we may begin taking steps in a more sustainable and enlightened way. 

I feel that, right now, we are each being called to let go of the old idea's we have held about who we are, and what we are capable of. If we are going to tackle all of these issues that we face, then its time we leveled up a little bit. I think its time to shed the skin of being merely Human, and allow the rise of a more spiritual, a more whole expression of life that is open to greater idea's, greater connection between us, and a world of infinite possibilities. 

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