Tuesday, February 5, 2013

At Ease..

I'll be honest. I've been using a new keyboard for the last little while (and I don't like it) so I have had to release the idea I have about this keyboard so that I can share via this blog. The idea I held previously literally drained me of the inspiration to share on here. It's been released and here I am. Onward.

This blog is entitled "At Ease" because this has been the Header of my experience in the last few days. It began with being still and in a single moment I was struck with a great light, a great peace that carried with it awareness of Truth and Purpose. This feeling has little diminished and I've been "in it" with great consistency. 

This epic experience was ignited through the contemplation of the Truth about Who I was. If everything I see, think, and believe is of my own creation AND I didn't create my true self, then WHAT AND WHO AM I? And with this question I received a very clear response. My True Self is that which is shared with God and all things which reside in God. Then peace. There is nothing I need do to maintain this Self, for it is both infinite and eternal. There is no need to be "reminded" of who I think I am, for who I truly am is forever. 

"Coincidentally" there were passages from A Course in Miracles I came across during my quiet reading time that literally described poetically what I was experiencing. I will share it with you here;

"Who knows the Father knows this light, for He is the eternal sky that holds it safe, forever lifted up and anchored sure. Its perfect purity does not depend on whether it is seen on earth or not. The Sky embraces it and softly holds it in its perfect place, which is as far from earth as earth from Heaven." - CH.30.9 p.632.

How tremendously beautiful. 

A true message of grace and Love. 

I might have been lost and "out at sea" most of my life but Who and What I am has never been endangered. Has never been anywhere other then HERE AND NOW,  its nature so pure and foundational that all the illusions entertained in mind are powerless against its formless grace. And in that moment of true clarity I CLAIMED IT. Yes, you have to completely stop believing in the idea's of the world and let true vision replace the projections. And this is a process, but seems to culminate into escalating plateaus of Divine awareness. 

I've also been doing the lessons of the Course daily, and each one presents a tremendous reality of which we are all one with, and which is present here and now and can be CLAIMED by letting go of that which is NOT SO. 

Thankyou.. Thankyou.. Thankyou.. 


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