We embark in this life with the knowledge shared and offered by our parents, community, society in general. I've learned that this knowledge is very limited, and incomplete. It was not until almost 21 years into this incarnation before recognizing consciously that there were lessons (remembrances) to be had and that the seemingly unending suffering I was putting myself through could be stopped, could be dissolved through awakening to the true nature of existence.
In this relatively short time of study and practice, many lessons have presented themselves and many have been learned. Many are still being learned. The quality and depth of life has increased exponentially in the last 5-6 years of my experience because of my conscious participation with life and its governing principals.
Apparently, today is a "hallmark" for one of the more powerful lessons I have learned in my life. This was the lesson of Death. My mother passed away on this date 8 years ago, from what I first believed to be cancer but later discovered (through learned lessons) that the true cause of her transition was a severe disconnect from the "Tree of Life". It was a difficult period for me because of the nature of my experience, and the "history" my mother and I shared. There was regret, guilt, and bad memories.
I have had many powerful healing experiences in the last 8 years and through conscious and authentic contemplation of my early experiences with my mother and the experience of her transition I've glimpsed the peace which is at the heart of life, the grace which leads us each day, the Love which governs are every breath. The true nature of life has been revealed and its not what was assumed for so long. We are IMMORTAL and EVERLASTING.
The question for me has always been whether or not the personality of a human being (or other form of life which has personality) experience continuity following the transition into the force. And like all things which take form (including personality, which is formed over the course of phenomenal existence), all dissolves back from when it came into formlessness. Perhaps we retain a subtle form or vehicle in death so as to traverse the infinite landscapes of this multi-dimensional Kosmos, but is our human (ego) personality maintained once we transform?
And what does it mean for us, who remain when others "Cross Over"?
Are we to maintain the idea we held about them in life? Are we to cling to the memory of them in some hope of keeping them alive? And are we doing this because we feel we have to? That this is what we are supposed to do? How does this effect our own consciousness and understanding of Death? Does it give us comfort to think that when we die, we will have loved one's waiting for us?
If this is true then holding onto the memory of loved ones becomes a selfish attempt to maintain "false security" in our lives. It becomes the ego's attempt in having us believe that our fear is genuine and this happy thought will help us make it through. If our true self is not of this world, but of God and Love, then when we transition into the force we are released from the binds of our limited perception of life. If upon dying we remained conscious and aware (of something) then immediately our perception and understanding of life would be enhanced forever.
I'm confident that my "Mom" does not even experience herself as "Mom". The idea of being a mom (or a physical being for that matter) exists as a altitude of awareness that is transcended upon our transition. No different then entering a pool of warm water that was thought to be cold at first. The idea of cold is dissolved the very instant we enter the pool. The same is had when we enter into the realm of our immortal self.
So the question which remains is how do we hold both Truth, and the memory of our loved ones?
I believe the answer lies in the nature of our remembrance Do we seek to hold a 'better' idea of our loved ones in our mind to relieve some of the guilt of viewing (and even treating) them poorly while they were alive? Does our memory of them include truth of who and what they are rather then the false idea we held about them?
In my meditations I've never encountered the personality of my mother, but I have healed the idea of her personality. I recognize that what was being demonstrated in her life was merely a lack of understanding of her true nature and the truth about life. I also recognize that in the moment of her transition the Truth was instantly revealed to her consciousness and she was released from any and all falsehoods garnered through phenomenal existence. In these moments all idea's about her own life, and the lives of those "left behind" is forever dissolved in the light of Truth. No guilt, no regret. Only Love.
We can continue through our lives holding onto the Truth of our loved ones and keeping their memory merely as reference of the many lessons we shared with them. Let us not be convinced in the immortality of personality, but in the eternalness of the Spirit of God. Let us seek the peace that our Brothers and Sisters whom have transitioned now experience and share it in the here and now.
I offer a prayer;
In this moment, I release all false ideas.
I breathe into the awareness of the presence of Love, the presence of Grace
which is the nature of my being, and the nature of all life which is shared.
I purge my heart and mind of fear, of lack, of loss. The boundless abundance of God is ever present and forever accessible to me, here and now.
I lay to rest the human idea's of life and embrace the truth of our immortal nature as Spirit.
There is no Death; There is only the Force.
There is no Loss; there is only infinite supply.
The peace of God is here, at the root of my being. And it is from this most holy place that my thoughts are grounded and from which all activity is born.
I rejoice in Spirit, I rejoice in the Mind of God which we all live, move and have our being. We are forever in the grace of Spirit. The outcome of life is never in doubt.
Thank you, Great Spirit, for beating my heart and breathing life into my ever moment. Thank you for the presence of your grace in my life so that I may know peace, and share that peace with everyone.
Thank you for the great lessons of life which I share with my Brothers and Sisters in the past, the present, and the future.
In this moment I recognize the beauty of life and rejoice in it.
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