Thursday, January 17, 2013

Why be good? Not for God's Sake...

If we are doing anything from a point of fear then we are in fact making a groove in our consciousness that will govern each and every choice we make. If our belief lies in the idea that the good we do, we do to prevent punishment or scorn then our consciousness has been infiltrated by false thoughts. 

Do we act in the world from a space that does not encompass our own comfort? Are the good deeds we perform truly altruistic or have we become addicted to the "good vibes" that they create? Have we entrenched ourselves into a comfort zone? 

I can tell you this, "being good" is not a mandate of the Universe. The idea of good is, in and of itself, a human idea. And not a particularly evolved one. Good and Bad have swapped positions so many times that its begun to resemble musical chairs. "One mans good is another mans evil" as the saying goes. So what is it that wells up inside of us that drives us to be what most think of as good? And how do we become aware of the thoughts which are "bad"?

We could spend a lifetime trying to figure this out. And would get no further then the great philosophers of the past. We can categorize certain qualities and behaviors into one of the two headings, and still not have a Universal spectrum applicable to all things. One day the sun will super-nova and incinerate the entire solar system and any life that may still exist here. This does not make the Sun "bad" or "evil". This is why the concepts of "Good" and "Bad" just don't work any more. 

So we are back to square one. By what measure should mankind determine their activity? If not good and bad, then what? What can be universally applied to all things and all activities? This really causes us to take a look at the collective, rather then individual persons of humanity. As a collective what do we hold in highest regard? Whats resides as being the most important thing in our lives? Is it money? Is it Love? Is it material possessions? Is it God? 

What ties all of these things together? 

At a glance, I see them as being connected by a very simple thread. The need to be happy. And to avoid being to philosophical I am not going to delve into the philosophy of being happy, but for the sake of argument accept the thought that being happy is to be fulfilled, complete, without worry or doubt of life's outcome.  That's pretty all-encompassing. 

So now we have a spectrum. Happy... and not happy. We cannot escape the ancient dichotomy of good and bad until we resolve duality. So that's the next step. How do we harmonize this spectrum so that there is only a single plane we are existing within? What if we were to say that in truth, we are ALWAYS fulfilled, complete, and without doubt about life's ultimate outcome? What if it were merely a question of the nature of our awareness? 

So now we have a single plane of experience and depending on not only our position within this plane but how (or the nature of our awareness) we are perceiving this plane? We could tilt this plane in any direction and its nature would never change. We could put an infinite amount of points on this plane, and its nature would never change. We could twist, spin, turn, and contort this dimension and its nature would never change. The only element of change that can exist is our perception of it.

Here it is. 

Outside of a dualisitic spectrum, we reside in a Unified field of experience which through particular awareness (and by proxy particular activity) can be perceived and experienced more authentically.  The conditions for happy are always present and through awareness and activity of this Cosmic truth we can experience it in its fullest. 

So lets return to the idea of Good and Bad with this evolved understanding. 

Good is merely living in harmony with the true nature of reality (The Unified Spectrum) so as to facilitate an authentic experience of the ever present HAPPY. 

Bad is merely living in dis-ease with the true nature of reality so as to facilitate the experience of NOT HAPPY, but in no way alters or effects the incorruptible nature of the Universe. 


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