Friday, January 11, 2013

The Birth of a New Human


We are almost a month beyond the time when the world was supposed to experience a "dramatic" shift in its experience. It seems like just another day to most. And in a lot of ways its just more of the same. The world has not gone through some amazing, earth shattering awakening. We are still viewing each other as separate. We are still killing each other. Believing less then idea's about ourselves and about everyone else.  

There is however a subtle current which is catching momentum around the world. A dim light that is illuminating new area's of human awareness. Its subtle, though most Shifts in Consciousness usually are. We don't realize it until we are almost through it. Some of us can see it, can feel its creeping presence deep within us. We look out into the world and see only potential. What seems to be "reality" is no more real to us then a bad dream. And what seems impossible to the general population is a necessary possibility for those who have become conscious of this subtle noumonic transition. 

50 years ago everyone was smoking and drinking on television. You don't see that today. When I was 10 I didn't think of throwing trash on the ground as being something bad. Today I'll carry a piece of trash in my pocket for as long as I need to until I find an appropriate receptical. I bring this up just to highlight how a shift in consciousness occurs. What is common place one day becomes something rare the next. What was thought impossible becomes an everyday thing. Quantum leaps in consciousness translates into more evolved "being-ness" in the world. 

This is happening right now. As you read this your consciousness is shifting to greater capacity and complexity. And the process is so natural that it does not require your conscious participation  (which is why it is so subtle). And this is beautiful because it tells me something specific. And this idea is mostly accepted as a spiritual idea, though I perceive it as just one of the many qualities of the presence of God. 

This natural process of ever evolving consciousness is driven by the governing intelligence of the Universe (God, Spirit, Divinity) and through us is it expressed. We will begin to notice the subtle shifts in thoughts, ideas, behavior, activity, and the nature of our relationships. This process is governed by Law (another natural occurrence of the presence of God), and to quote the Science of Mind; "This law is not respecter of persons" which is to say that regardless of our conscious awareness of this Law it is forever active in our lives.

This bears questioning the effect our presence (from an evolved altitude of consciousness) has on our Brothers and Sisters (Human and Non-Human alike). How is our energy affected by being in a high altitude of awareness? How does our experience of the world change in concert with this shift in consciousness? 

Collapsing Time

There is a factor in this natural process which has the capacity of speeding it up (illusory I know since time is not linear). This factor is, again, a natural occurrence of the presence of God (which is One). Here is a bible quote which alludes to this factor;

"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." - Matthew 18:20

There is greater potency in the gathering of individuals connected by a common thread of awareness which has the capacity to "collapse time" and generate greater awareness amongst any given population. This has also been referred to as the 100th Monkey Phenomena and directs our attention towards the power behind cohesive groups of individuals brought together by a common acceptance of Truth.

As more of us become conscious of this subtle shift in our consciousness (and capacities) we will come together in new ways that at the core birth new avenues of expression and awakening for our fellow Brother's and Sisters. I've referred to Homo Universalis as having the qualities of a Key Maker. Basically, each of us through our practice and subsequent awakening are creating more and more potentials and possibilities for more of humanity to shift into this subtle consciousness which is emerging. 

If this process were not thus then it may take another 14 billion years for life to evolve to the next great stage. We are beyond this point though. We have moved into what has been called Conscious Evolution which at its heart is merely a recognition of the natural process I have been describing through out this article. Quantum leaps are a natural part of nature. They seem to be "unrelated" jumps in capacity however this is illusion generated by the collapse of time created through sharing our experiences. 

Where's the evidence of this? 

Look at our discoveries, technologies, powers, and tools. And look how they emerged. Phones, televisions, video games, the Internet. All of these have been born from the natural motivation to collapse time through sharing. 

Whats next?

The big question on people's mind is what's next? Well our civilization has been founded on an agenda which was apocalyptic in nature. We were always racing towards some illusory endpoint. And that point has been reached. And nothing really happened. Just more of the same. 

Though it does not have to be more of the same. We can become conscious of this process we are eternally connected with (Conscious Evolution) and start choosing new pathways and avenues to grow and express ourselves, together. We can collectively design an Evolutionary Agenda which illustrates a powerful affirmation for a glorious future (shared experience) and intelligent means in which it can be made manifest in our world, NOW. 

And I really feel that this is what we are doing, whether we know it or not. We are making new changes in our lives on an individual level and this is causing a shift in our relationships which ultimately affects the collective we are all a part. Know that through consciously participating in this natural process will assist in the collapsing of time so that the future we all have shared in vision and excitement can be ours right here, right now. 


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