"You govern your surroundings by the nature of what is taking place in your consciousness."
- The Foundations of Mysticism -
There is nothing magical about spirit. Nothing supernatural. All which we are and what we express is very natural and are streams from the ocean of the consciousness we share with God. And it is the dominant thoughts, idea's and beliefs that we hold in our consciousness with consistency and focus that have the greatest influence on the nature of our experience.
I want to stress that this not some fantastic, imagined, idea.
This is a usable science. A predictable science. Its effects are seen every day, in a near infinite amount of ways. Each experience you or I have is a direct expression of the mental concepts and idea's entertained within our consciousness. We see in the news war, murders, rapes, killing. We have idea's which we use to govern what these experiences mean. We grow angry, distasteful of our lesser kin.
We become afraid of the outside world and withdraw our interest in being a participant of the madness. These false idea's promote separation and ironically lie at the heart of the cause of why these things occur. (Murder, War, Rape, Violence). We inherit the very concepts and idea's which birth these human atrocities in the first place, becoming harbingers of it. We create more of what we wish to lessen simply because this science is not seen as science. Its seen as mysticism. Its seen as spirituality, religion. And in our modern days there is no room for such fantasies to be entertained.
And in our haste we rush to save the world. Save it from the monsters, from the disease's, from the enemies. And we do so from the same altitude of consciousness which made these undesirable conditions and elements. And as long as we believe in this shadow play, the longer they will dominate our experience of life. The false idea's we've been given were at first thought of us the tools of liberation but in are, in truth, the very bars which keep us caged.
We have forgotten that we, like our Father, are at Cause. And in forgetting we have forgone the necessary wisdom to gracefully traverse this mortal plane. And in our ignorance we dismiss our own greatness with less then idea's and concepts. All the while our greatest good knocking on the door, only to be answered by those of us who can hear it beckon. And it is those who choose to answer the door that invite God into their consciousness and redeem all the glory and power of the Kingdom to be expressed in the here & now.
Do we seek to be mindful? Or Mindless? To we seek to be full of our mind and its rampant thoughts? Or do we seek to be mentally still and void of pre-conceived notions and concepts?
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