We each teach Truth to the degree that it has been internalized in our life. Some may consider the idea that "as we teach, we learn" to be some what contradictory. Should we not have full understanding, to learn all that there is about Truth, before uttering it as a teaching?
Let's take a look at what to teach means;
- From Middle English techen, from Old English tǣċan (“to show, declare, demonstrate; teach, instruct, train; assign, prescribe, direct; warn; persuade”). - Source = Wiktionary
It can be said that the most powerful way to teach, is through demonstration. Interestingly enough, learning is best accomplished via the same technique. As we Teach (or demonstrate) Truth in our lives, we begin to internalize the teaching for ourselves, and with conscious awareness we begin to witness the powerful healing (learning) that occurs for both the teacher and the student.
It is in this way that the playing field remains even, as each individual is both conscious and cooperative with The Law, (As you give, so also shall you receive). The illusion of superiority is dissolved and each one, to their own degree, shall inherit the Kingdom, and the eternal peace which is ours.
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