"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God?" Know ye not that the name of God is I, or I AM, and that you are the temple of God only when you have admitted I into your consciousness and held It there secretly, sacredly, gently, peaceably, so that at any moment you can close your eyes and just remember I." - The Mystical I
As I breathe in the life force of God, my mind becomes still. Any sense of personal I - of me- fades into the eternal sea of Gods Love, releasing me from all human troubles and conditions. As the personal is dropped, the peace of God appears in my life.
How I shall eat, be clothed, be protected, healthy, secure, and prosperous, forever remains in the hands of God. I release all thought and belief that "I do the work alone".
"Not a blade of grass moves without my consent."
We are One with all the power of God. We are expressions of this eternal, and loving Mind. We exist in consciousness with God, and for this, we forever remain in Gods peace and love.
It is only when we engage with the illusion of personality, with identity, that we lead a life of suffering, straining, and struggle. If we only released the idea of person hood, of even our humanity, we would free ourselves into the ever present peace, and perfection of Gods Truth.
All of the worlds conflicts, and catastrophes arise from a disconnect - in consciousness - with Gods Truth. The illusion is believed to be the truth, and the effect of this demonstrates as the worlds current experience, both individually and collectively.
Any attempts of changing the world lies in the realm of futility. The world is illusion, and the truth which lies behind the illusion can only be revealed in consciousness at cause, and in the world of phenomena as effect. Therefore, seek to have the Christ within heal your perception, so that Heaven is revealed in the here and now, and in this way the world is forever changed.
Know that as you accept the Kingdom for yourself, all those who seek the same admittance, will be revealed to you. And to the degree you have accepted the Christ as your teacher, will be the degree in which you can offer the same peace and love to your brother.
The love of God is absolute. It is eternal, and ever present. No matter where in the world you might be led, you are always in the care of your Father. You are never separate from Gods love. If a condition persists in your experience, which is of lack, scarcity, suffering, worry, or fear, then it is obvious that you have chosen the wrong teacher. You have forgone the Christ within, believing that your human powers are sufficient.
Such confusions (and there subsequent effects) can be healed in our consciousness, through admitting the Christ and accepting this greater vision. And once our vision has been purified by the Light of God, the world will be born anew. We will know peace to be here, now.
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