Monday, August 12, 2013

Perfect Love

Perfect Love stems from an awareness that the local self is illusory, so choosing from it is flawed. And when we have chosen to come from the local self, we are simultaneously choosing to experience the false selves of others.

We "love" others, but this love is not true, because it is developed and created from the needs of the local self. Perfect Love is the love of God, extended from our eternal heart to the hearts of all others, knowing they too are emanations of the One, Divine Mind.

Once we relinquish the belief in separation, we open ourselves to the perfect Love of God. We can greater prepare our being for greater doses of this Love through becoming gateways for it, or vehicles of its extension. For as we give, we shall receive.

The law of this perfect love is the law of God. It is ever present, eternal, universal, and scalable. Scalable in the sense that this perfect love can be extended to all things of Gods creation, and never be too much, or too little.

Let us seek to dissolve the ties of our local self, so as to become more receptive to the perfect Love of God. And as we become greater instruments for this Love, we shall experience its benefits of peace to a greater degree.


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