Friday, June 29, 2012

Freedom in Stillness

Freedom in Stillness

"Most people are running towards something, or away from something. Peace is in stillness"

I am sure that we can all agree that from the get go we are informed to maintain busy lives. Through societal programming, we learn about whats important in life, and whats dangerous. Go to school, be popular, get a good job or career, make money, start a family, aim to be comfortable when you retire. And while doing all of this we must be sure to not get sick, not get hurt, to not hurt others, to not cheat or steal, don't touch fire, to not be alone, do not talk to strangers, and in some places don't even make eye contact with others. 

For many, our daily routine consists of a perpetual tug and pull between these two idea's, each of which are governed and guided by fear. Fear of ridicule, fear of harm, fear of failure, fear of being alone, fear of pain, etc. And life in our western culture offers little to no respite, no break from the hamster wheel of life. We must create this time for ourselves. However, we cannot apply this to a routine already filled with "have to's" and "should's". It must be a conscious choice to STOP, return to the stillness and focus on our breathing. Its about letting go of any idea's or thoughts which stem from a belief that this hamster wheel is reality, and that if we do not pursue what we have been told to pursue then we shall suffer and fail.

This modality of living is a huge stress collector. And stress, as modern medicine has determined, is a leading cause of death being the sponsoring condition  to a myriad of disease's and ailments. So bringing ourselves to the present, focusing on our breathing and letting go of any idea's or thoughts that something HAS to be done has positive affects on our health. Just being. Still. Quiet, inside and out. It is only in this stillness that we move into what we may perceive as the completeness of life. Its in the inner quiet that we take notice to the infinite perfection of life. Where we become aware that nothing need be done, for all is already done and perfect. 

Here is a short exercise I like to do to help me come back to this place of stillness. Throughout the day we should do this often, so as to not loose sight of whats really going on. It does not matter where you are or what your doing, because this exercise is about being present. Take 3-4 minutes to 'cycle' through all of your physical senses (What can I see, touch, taste, smell, and hear), then move through your more subtle, interior faculties (what do I feel, what am I thinking about, what emotions are present, etc..). Do this awareness exercise without any attachment to what you are becoming aware of. Do not apply identity to anything that arises in your awareness, just be aware of it. Once you've cycled through all interior and exterior faculties, move into a space of complete quiet. Withdraw your awareness from both your outer and inner worlds. Stare at the back of your eyelids if you must. Be aware of only the stillness which all other phenomena arise within.

This is something that should be done frequently throughout the day because it is important that we do not get caught up chasing something or running away from something. It is when we do that, that we give our power away. And when we are not firmly set in our power, then the life we create may be a perversion of our truest purpose in life, which is to wake up.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Heal your beliefs through Divine release

"Find that place
which is effortlessly
at rest within itself.
Be there—be one with that"

We are forever getting lost in translation, through the language of the mind and the heart.
Thoughts arise in the mind and we tend to hold onto to them as if they were our own, perpetuating
the fear and uncomfort we experience through our emotions. We respond emotionally to many
repeated situations, simply because that is what we "Know." The Ego-Mind refuses to let go of what
is familiar, fearful of losing it's strength and power over YOU. Beyond the threshold of pain, agony,
lack of self worth and Fear is Spiritual FREEDOM.

The activity of the mind is NOT real and uncreative thoughts that arise within this space are
recognized as merely illusions.  The more mindful and balanced we become, we recognize
the mind as a tool to be used more creatively, rather then defining ourselves by every thought that
comes from this source. Thoughts are creative, and what we think about most often demonstrates
itself in our Lives. We are deeply connected through the Mind, Body and Spirit.

A life of suffering, with worry and doubt at the surface is detrimental to our health. Our bodies
reaction to  this very concept is demonstrated through physical pain and illness. What is the next step
you ask??
Yes, Let it all go.

Thoughts are NOT real, as I mentioned.  They are only as real as you make them, again this all
happens within the mind.  Whether they are harmful or harmless, neither one makes
the other any more real.  The Ego-Mind is rather tricky and has the ability to pull on past
events, using them against you. As long as you BELIEVE in these distractions, suffering will continue. Pain will manifest in the body and a life of depression, anxiety and self distruction
is highly predictable.

Letting go IS indeed another concept or idea, however this has been practiced and demonstrated by
many. The results are extemely astounding: A life filled with Love, Joy, Peace and Contentment. Now honestly, who would NOT wish to live such a life?!  Inner peace is a state being WE ALL seek, consciously or uncosciously. Humanity is enroute with this Change and the
effects of this shift are Life ultering.

You may be considering answers at this point and I promise to provide guidance for you at the most
perfect time. The process of letting go is surprisingly easy to do, though perhaps your mind may be
getting in the way right now and that is okay if it does, recognize it. It is the Ego's defense to HOLD
ON and continue with what is familiar, for it FEARS the heck out of the unknown. We all have
experienced the wrath of Ego-Mind and we must not resent this aspect, for the Ego shows us WHO
and WHAT WE ARE NOT. Truly SEE this gift for what it is, your life will change with your
openness and willingness.

From experience, I can understand how improbable this concept may seem. With an open mind and
heart you will become more accepting of your highest good and will attract more love in many forms
into your life.  You see, there are two ways to live: 1) You can live a life of Love, Positivity, Joy, Peace,Compassion, Creativity and extend this to the World OR 2) You can live a life of Fear, Negativity, Suffering, Resentment, Selfishness and Anger and harbor this for yourself. Like attracts Like, so what you think about the most will show up in your life. Simple, right? This concept is very simple to "understand", yet One needs to apply, practice and transform for this change to occur.

Love is the answer. Love IS ALL THERE IS. YOU are LOVE itself. YOU are to BE love & know this as TRUTH. When you taste something so pure and magical, extension is the next step.
But first, lets focus on YOU.

Divine Release (letting go) is the EXACT process I personally go through. I am not saying
that I have THE answer, however I feel compelled to share what works for me, as it may very well
work for YOU.

Maintaining a daily spiritual practice invites us to take a deeper look into ourselves.  On the surface
we may "think" we know what is troubling us. Truth is, in moments of weakness we are simply
experiencing the symptom of a deeper rooted issue.

Daily practice MAY include:

A spiritual practice is imperative for personal growth, development and deep understanding of the
Self. The mentioned practices are ways in which One can fully engage in the self. These are
opportunities to practice presence and be still, simply being in the moment. Some say the "present is
a gift", and I would have to agree whole heartedly. Mental noise cannot consume you if you are fully
present. By maintaining a daily spiritual practice through application, One will open to the
willingness of letting go of the "old" and create room for embracing the NEW.  This is exciting and
nerve racking at the same time.  This path and way of living is no joke and you get out of it what YOU put in. It truly IS that simple.

The farther you go in your transformation the more deeply you will come to know WHO and WHAT
you really are. You will find this truth within your own being and come to understand the connection
that ties all beings together.

 Love is the way..

Through contemplation you may come to grip with how you once lived was not working for you, most importantly you will come to realize WHY. By dropping your awareness into your heart
your questions will be answered. This is beautiful and divine and such an experince can be held by

Be gentle with yourself. In moments when you are not of your highest good. Know that you are love,
always were and always will be. Be kind, loving and compassionate as you break through your
barriers and your fears and let go of all that no longer serves you. Know that you are not alone.

Let go..

The Ego, loathes this idea entirely and will fight tooth and nail to remain in control of your life
experiences. Breathe it out. YOU are not your ego, YOU are not what the ego desires and YOU are
not the definition of the stories that play out in your mind. You are a unique indivuation of the ONE.
Call it God, Source, Love, Energy, Light, Intelligence. You cannot argue that there is in fact a driving
force in the Universe that creates THROUGH YOU, AS YOU. Ever wonder why, or how this works? Try it, literally take a moment and ponder this.

In moments when you experience inner conflict with life, Breathe. It is part of the divine release
process and with practice and application this will become more natural for you.  YOUR light dissolves any darkness because YOU are the light and you are here and now to remember this as truth. This is true divine healing.  Surrender to the fact that you have absolutely no idea what will transpire in the next moment, you can most definitely speculate, wonder and imagine. Again this is future living, peace is always in the NOW moment.

Pay attention to the thoughts that arise within your mind. Do not try to catch them and hold onto
them as if they are your own, simply observe them and question where they originated. Are
they YOUR thoughts, or did the outside world play a part in conditioning your mind? Are you
experiencing the NOW, while your mind is stuck in past or future illusions? What is happening
around you in this very moment? Pay attention to your sences. Bring yourself back to the moment.
You will SEE that the Ego-Mind will do everything it can to distarct you and keep you from peace
and love. Ego strives on negative resources to elude you from truth and make you forget that

To recap. I strongly express the importance in maintaining a DAILY spiritual practice. Activities that
will help guide you to your core. 

~Daily spiritual practice (Meditation, Treatment, Affirmation, Intention, Prayer)
~Do what you LOVE (Create)
~Love yourself and extend to others (Be gentle, loving and kind with YOU & share this)
~Forgiveness (Release the prisoners from your being, for you are the only one suffering)
~Get involved (Community building, sustainable living, gardening)
~Well being (Physical activities, healthy eating)
~HEAL YOUR THOUGHTS~ The combination of the above will truly assist you in this area of your life.


You will reach a point in your development where you will see the unfoldment of life and you will
truly come to know your purpose in the world.  You will take notice to all of the illusions around you,
and what you thought was important before, is mundane in comparrison to your own undivded
uniqueness.  This is self love. This is true recognition. With such Peace and wisdom in your heart,
why would you want to carry around false ideas and beliefs? You see how this way of living no longer serves you or humanity.

As you transform and heal yourself, you accept your part in humanity. You literally take notice to the
much larger picture and what is at play. This is truly divine. This is pure intelligence and YOU are very much apart of this. In fact YOU are it.

So, we understand the importance of a DAILY spiritual Practice through various activities and forms of expression. Become aware of the thoughts that arise in the mind and question their source.

Light side or dark side.. choose one!

It is in our awareness that the dark side of the force is a destructive agent in our lives and will
perpetuate WHAT WE DO NOT WISH TO EXPERIENCE. The light side is the more creative force. It actually IS the Force in it's purity. The dark side will confuse you with reality and aim to destroy all
that is Love.  For it cannot see itself and is fearful of your Light.

Dark + Illusion = Destruction
Light + Truth = Healing

As we continue to heal our beliefs, our core becomes extremely powerful. We stand in our power of
strength, love and unity and extend unto the world. This is evolution. This is the SHYFT that we are
currently experiencing to move forward in this world. It starts with YOU. Change your thoughts and
perception, heal your beliefs, create your life and transform the WORLD.

There is no secret. What I am conveying here is not NEW. Yes, I have read books and articles, engaged in many enlightening conversations and watched a number of fascinating documentaries. The greatest wisdom that has come through me, has been in stillness. Moments of stillness
without distraction is the quickest and most effective way to tap into source and pull on anything you
want from The  Universe, to create and to share.

There is One Intelligence, One heart and One mind.  Our connection with  EVERYTHING and
EVERYONE enables us to pull on this inner guidance, knowledge and wisdom.

In life you will be faced with Fear. Know that you are NOT what you fear. Fear is an opportunity to be moved through. An opportunity to become more then you ever "thought" you were. I am grateful for the fears I had experienced and continue to move through.  I aim to be authentic and true in each and every moment. As I show up in my life in such a way, others around me will naturally rise up. This is what I am to do. Let go and let Love. Embrace the love and divinity in and of the World.

Guess what? This is your calling too. Perhaps you may not be aware of this yet. Life will always bring you back to Truth. Be of an open heart and mind and KNOW that YOU are this :)

Live beautifully
Dream passionately
& Love completely

By: Tabby Love

Being of Service


Of almost all the mammals on the planet, the human being is the most fragile. Perhaps this fact is owed to our complexity or perhaps its a side-effect of being a more clear representation of Divinity. Most mammals are up and walking around, hunting, or finding shelter moments after being born into this world. For humans, this is not the case. We require consistent 'TLC' until the time where we are competent enough to survive the world on our own which usually occurs 14-18 years after birth! 

With the human experience comes a direct need for compassion and love capable of having the patience to nurture a young child until the time when they are ready to leave the nest. This illuminates a very important aspect of the human experience that perhaps not many people are consciously aware of. From the moment we are born we become the object of someone's Service. And I do not mean this in an obligatory fashion. Its the kind of service that comes straight from the heart. The kind of service that you do not need to be asked to perform. Its a natural inclination born from connection with one's deeper understanding of life and spirit.

And these are the first lessons that are taught to most children who join us on this planet. That we are beings of Love, forever in service to our brother's and sisters of humanity. I am aware that this is not strictly the case everywhere, though its potential exists in all corners of the earth. The counteractive ingredient is the social information that is programmed into our young either through institutions or the parents mis-information. Though its true to say that children are communally raised whether the parents and schools admit to this fact. And perhaps this is where the potential for tragedy is birthed. A lack of cohesion between the institutions we admit our children into, and the environment we raise them at home is out of harmony with each other. It can be argued that our school systems now a days is nothing more then a glorified baby-sitting organization governed by principals and curriculum's now out-dated with the focus of 'making' competent factory workers.

So whats does all of this have to do with 'being in service'? 

Its quite clear to me that one of the most important roles we can play during our incarnation is to be both leaders and game changers in the human experience. Once we have come to an intimate realization of HOW life works we move into the space to be at Service for our peers, to help them see the beauty of life and how it is here for our greatest good. We also become aware of our 'care-taker' role when it comes to the planet and all forms of life on it. We begin to view the inter-connected web of life (of which we are apart) as an object which should be nurtured. And this act of nurture can arise through doing something or doing nothing. Sometime nature should just be left alone. 

Remember this; life is at your service. And you are at service to life! This is the Divine Symmetry of life, the perfect relationship. Hold this always in your mind. Create for others what you wish to experience yourself. 


Monday, June 25, 2012

Many paths to the top of the mountain


The leading cause of all confrontation arises from when the Ego takes hold of our belief systems. This is prone to happening within all forms of religion and spirituality. It happens when we have belief, without the direct revelation of truth in our lives. So we then spend all of our time defending what we believe. And the only way for there to be consistency and truth in a belief we have not experienced is to negate the beliefs and idea's of others. 

When a person becomes sincere in their pursuit of truth and happiness they open themselves to the direct experience of truth in their lives. Sincerity is a key ingredient whenever we embark on the path of self discovery, for without it, the lower mind or ego is quick to take hold of our beliefs and thoughts. And to be clear, the Ego has only self interest. In other words, all which motivates the Ego is maintaining its own existence, because its afraid of the annihilation it shall face when illuminated by the Divine mind. 

As we begin allowing the ever present peace to make a home in our lives we quite naturally let go of any conflict outside of us. We awaken to the truth that it is within God that we live, move, and have our being. That  there is only one, yet MANY paths which have been etched out along the way through spontaneity and genius.  We have a myriad of spiritual paths, religions, dogmas, philosophy's, etc. There is only one Truth. One essence which all of things emanate out of. And when we have cleansed our perception we will see this in all things. All paths lead home, lead back to full awareness of God and Spirit. 

Is this not the most wonderful truth of all. That regardless of what we choose to do, go or believe, everything leads back to waking up! This is why every path should be celebrated! If there is love at its center, its of the highest frequency and has within it the potential of bringing any being to God consciousness. And there will be times when we catch sight of the beauty, of the divinity it a certain belief but something about it has been touched by the lower mind or ego. We can sense that there is a kink in the chain. Let us not approach the whole system of belief with the intent of dismantling it. Let us instead be helpful in arousing the holy spirit within, have full faith it will notice whatever inconsistencies the Ego has created in this particular system of belief and correct them. 

There are many paths to the top of the mountain, yet the view is always the same. Celebrate your life and your idea of life. Celebrate others. CELEBRATE LIVING!


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Spiritual Practice

As we embarked on the journey of self discovery we came to intimately understand that a great deal of who we thought we were, was just plain false. In the wonderful words of Mooji, we awaken to the reality that we've become nothing more then a "conceptual dustbin". This realization is our cue to begin sifting through all of the thoughts and idea's that move through our awareness moment by moment. And I know from experience, there was a lot of stuff to sift through.

This sifting process becomes a daily spiritual practice and can take various forms as we utilize a wide array of spiritual technologies. The typical layout seems to be a combination of journaling, meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, psychotherapy, prayer, and being as still and silent for long durations of time. At least, this is just some of the technologies I have used. We go through the motions of personal development, perhaps at first resenting this new awareness of our lives wishing that we could return to that blissful state of ignorance. Other times we feel blessed, cherishing each moment we spend at higher altitude of consciousness.

It can almost seem like we are sitting on a pendulum, swinging back and forth between the experiences which arise from associating with either the Higher Self or Lower Ego. Our daily spiritual practices are the tools we use to maintain a certain level of consistency in our day, affording us the know how to respond to those moments our body mind drops a bomb in our lap. Its not the bombs that worry me, its the tiny snowballs that seem to build up in our minds over the period of a day or so and explode without warning. Another example of the importance of maintaining a spiritual practice.

Until.... you don't have to.

You read that right. In essence, spirituality is just another idea or concept. We are not, in fact, changing or becoming anything that we aren't already. Let me rephrase. During this process of personal 'unfoldment' it can seem that we are passing through a linear gauntlet of perpetual ups and downs until we reach a state of inner peace we feel is sufficient enough to ignore or withstand the 'lesser' moments of our life. This is what creates the phenomena known as the "Spiritual Bypass". So much time and focus can fall on the PRACTICE of spirit rather then the direct experience of being spirit.

Its important to realize that spiritual practice is a stepping stone. Its not meant to last forever. Once we wake up and come to a full realization of our true nature and being, there will no longer be a reason to practice being a spirit because its what we ARE. In the same breath, however, those of us still practicing are not doing anything "wrong". We are merely going through the motions. Until the time where we choose not to.


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Integral LeaderShip

During these most interesting times, we are in desperate need of community leaders and developers to help in the design and implementation of a completely new way of living in our world. So much has been discovered in the last decade in various area's of human endeavor including science, spirituality, astronomy, physics, cell biology, ecology, health and food, architecture, sustainable living, mathematics, etc..

Even with all of these amazing discoveries, there is only a small percentage of the global population who is actually implementing these new technologies towards the development of a more harmonious way of life in this world. And each day we spend repeating old behaviors and remaining unconscious to the effect our thoughts, words and actions have on the planet and each other, the more of a hole we continue to dig for ourselves. There might even come a time when the hole becomes so steep that any attempt to 'climb' out of it will be increasingly difficult.

At the core of each of us, we want to embrace a new way of living but lack the proper examples and demonstrations of how this can be done. The resources are there. The technology exists.  All that is needed is the right leaders. Individuals (or groups of individuals) who have a strong vision of what we can accomplish together, and the determination to see it through. Such an endeavor requires a degree of self-sacrifice, an inner acceptance that life is not just about you but about everyone. It will require all of your effort and time to bring to fruition this shared vision for the prosperity and continued existence of the human race.

This is not about a new "religion" or "Spirituality". There are principals which are both universal and eternally engaged regardless of what beliefs we hold about life and spirit. Each of us are engaged in consistent creation of our experience of life influenced by both what we believe and are willingness to be open to something different. Take a look around. Become aware of your life and how you are 'showing up' in it. If you envision yourself a community leader, can you see your life as a reflection of this idea? Do those around you recognize the role you've chosen to play on this planet, at this time?

We need to embrace the New Thought that is arising within the minds of so many human beings. This vision binds us together in a very intimate way, and to bring it to bear in the experience of life on this planet we are being called to come together and consciously and creatively re-design the world. This process begins with ourselves, shifting our perceptions to a higher altitude of awareness so as to be effective game-changers. By merely 'showing up' different in our own lives we begin having dramatic Shifts in all the lives we touch. From here we create sustainable and safe 'spaces' for people to come together and share in this new way of living. Before you know it, each person in the collective begins having tremendous inspirations which motivates them to embrace this new vision more and more.

Take the time in this moment to assess your own readiness in becoming a community leader. Ask yourself the important questions. Dig deep and uncover the brilliant genius that lies waiting within you to be expressed.


Grimm Greyes