Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Being of Service


Of almost all the mammals on the planet, the human being is the most fragile. Perhaps this fact is owed to our complexity or perhaps its a side-effect of being a more clear representation of Divinity. Most mammals are up and walking around, hunting, or finding shelter moments after being born into this world. For humans, this is not the case. We require consistent 'TLC' until the time where we are competent enough to survive the world on our own which usually occurs 14-18 years after birth! 

With the human experience comes a direct need for compassion and love capable of having the patience to nurture a young child until the time when they are ready to leave the nest. This illuminates a very important aspect of the human experience that perhaps not many people are consciously aware of. From the moment we are born we become the object of someone's Service. And I do not mean this in an obligatory fashion. Its the kind of service that comes straight from the heart. The kind of service that you do not need to be asked to perform. Its a natural inclination born from connection with one's deeper understanding of life and spirit.

And these are the first lessons that are taught to most children who join us on this planet. That we are beings of Love, forever in service to our brother's and sisters of humanity. I am aware that this is not strictly the case everywhere, though its potential exists in all corners of the earth. The counteractive ingredient is the social information that is programmed into our young either through institutions or the parents mis-information. Though its true to say that children are communally raised whether the parents and schools admit to this fact. And perhaps this is where the potential for tragedy is birthed. A lack of cohesion between the institutions we admit our children into, and the environment we raise them at home is out of harmony with each other. It can be argued that our school systems now a days is nothing more then a glorified baby-sitting organization governed by principals and curriculum's now out-dated with the focus of 'making' competent factory workers.

So whats does all of this have to do with 'being in service'? 

Its quite clear to me that one of the most important roles we can play during our incarnation is to be both leaders and game changers in the human experience. Once we have come to an intimate realization of HOW life works we move into the space to be at Service for our peers, to help them see the beauty of life and how it is here for our greatest good. We also become aware of our 'care-taker' role when it comes to the planet and all forms of life on it. We begin to view the inter-connected web of life (of which we are apart) as an object which should be nurtured. And this act of nurture can arise through doing something or doing nothing. Sometime nature should just be left alone. 

Remember this; life is at your service. And you are at service to life! This is the Divine Symmetry of life, the perfect relationship. Hold this always in your mind. Create for others what you wish to experience yourself. 


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