Monday, June 25, 2012

Many paths to the top of the mountain


The leading cause of all confrontation arises from when the Ego takes hold of our belief systems. This is prone to happening within all forms of religion and spirituality. It happens when we have belief, without the direct revelation of truth in our lives. So we then spend all of our time defending what we believe. And the only way for there to be consistency and truth in a belief we have not experienced is to negate the beliefs and idea's of others. 

When a person becomes sincere in their pursuit of truth and happiness they open themselves to the direct experience of truth in their lives. Sincerity is a key ingredient whenever we embark on the path of self discovery, for without it, the lower mind or ego is quick to take hold of our beliefs and thoughts. And to be clear, the Ego has only self interest. In other words, all which motivates the Ego is maintaining its own existence, because its afraid of the annihilation it shall face when illuminated by the Divine mind. 

As we begin allowing the ever present peace to make a home in our lives we quite naturally let go of any conflict outside of us. We awaken to the truth that it is within God that we live, move, and have our being. That  there is only one, yet MANY paths which have been etched out along the way through spontaneity and genius.  We have a myriad of spiritual paths, religions, dogmas, philosophy's, etc. There is only one Truth. One essence which all of things emanate out of. And when we have cleansed our perception we will see this in all things. All paths lead home, lead back to full awareness of God and Spirit. 

Is this not the most wonderful truth of all. That regardless of what we choose to do, go or believe, everything leads back to waking up! This is why every path should be celebrated! If there is love at its center, its of the highest frequency and has within it the potential of bringing any being to God consciousness. And there will be times when we catch sight of the beauty, of the divinity it a certain belief but something about it has been touched by the lower mind or ego. We can sense that there is a kink in the chain. Let us not approach the whole system of belief with the intent of dismantling it. Let us instead be helpful in arousing the holy spirit within, have full faith it will notice whatever inconsistencies the Ego has created in this particular system of belief and correct them. 

There are many paths to the top of the mountain, yet the view is always the same. Celebrate your life and your idea of life. Celebrate others. CELEBRATE LIVING!


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