Friday, June 29, 2012

Freedom in Stillness

Freedom in Stillness

"Most people are running towards something, or away from something. Peace is in stillness"

I am sure that we can all agree that from the get go we are informed to maintain busy lives. Through societal programming, we learn about whats important in life, and whats dangerous. Go to school, be popular, get a good job or career, make money, start a family, aim to be comfortable when you retire. And while doing all of this we must be sure to not get sick, not get hurt, to not hurt others, to not cheat or steal, don't touch fire, to not be alone, do not talk to strangers, and in some places don't even make eye contact with others. 

For many, our daily routine consists of a perpetual tug and pull between these two idea's, each of which are governed and guided by fear. Fear of ridicule, fear of harm, fear of failure, fear of being alone, fear of pain, etc. And life in our western culture offers little to no respite, no break from the hamster wheel of life. We must create this time for ourselves. However, we cannot apply this to a routine already filled with "have to's" and "should's". It must be a conscious choice to STOP, return to the stillness and focus on our breathing. Its about letting go of any idea's or thoughts which stem from a belief that this hamster wheel is reality, and that if we do not pursue what we have been told to pursue then we shall suffer and fail.

This modality of living is a huge stress collector. And stress, as modern medicine has determined, is a leading cause of death being the sponsoring condition  to a myriad of disease's and ailments. So bringing ourselves to the present, focusing on our breathing and letting go of any idea's or thoughts that something HAS to be done has positive affects on our health. Just being. Still. Quiet, inside and out. It is only in this stillness that we move into what we may perceive as the completeness of life. Its in the inner quiet that we take notice to the infinite perfection of life. Where we become aware that nothing need be done, for all is already done and perfect. 

Here is a short exercise I like to do to help me come back to this place of stillness. Throughout the day we should do this often, so as to not loose sight of whats really going on. It does not matter where you are or what your doing, because this exercise is about being present. Take 3-4 minutes to 'cycle' through all of your physical senses (What can I see, touch, taste, smell, and hear), then move through your more subtle, interior faculties (what do I feel, what am I thinking about, what emotions are present, etc..). Do this awareness exercise without any attachment to what you are becoming aware of. Do not apply identity to anything that arises in your awareness, just be aware of it. Once you've cycled through all interior and exterior faculties, move into a space of complete quiet. Withdraw your awareness from both your outer and inner worlds. Stare at the back of your eyelids if you must. Be aware of only the stillness which all other phenomena arise within.

This is something that should be done frequently throughout the day because it is important that we do not get caught up chasing something or running away from something. It is when we do that, that we give our power away. And when we are not firmly set in our power, then the life we create may be a perversion of our truest purpose in life, which is to wake up.


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