Rejoice! For through you shall the Christ return.
Through your Light will the world be saved.
Heaven is here; but can only be seen through the One.
There is One power, One presence, One infinite, loving intelligence. This love beauty peers through each of our eyes. Its present equally and fully in each of our hearts. As we move through dissolving the false identities and beliefs we've held onto for thousands of years we create avenues for this One mind to express. The Christ seeks expression and through our awakening shall its return be fulfilled.
There is no degree of difference between miracles. Every demonstration of Love, Compassion, Truth, and Unity cracks the shell of fear and separation, letting more of the Divine Light into this world. This is done through us, as us. The next stage of the human experience will be made manifest to the degree of our willingness to let go of the less then idea's we hold in the mind about who and what we truly are.
Know that each Brother you look upon is another gateway into the Kingdom. Know that God can only be found in each other, with each other. We must take the steps toward Unification through dissolving the borders and boundaries drawn in our mind which maintain the experience of the illusion. The veil will fall in its entirety when we, as a collective, let it go.
Many masters have graced the earth with their divine presence, and through their demonstration and teaching was the "crooked places of the world made straight". Let us accept that OUR presence on the earth now is to fulfill the work they began. To complete the cycle and give birth to a Universal Humanity; one with each other and one with the spirit of Christ.
Love is the answer. Its all we need. Breathe it. Feel it.
Be it!
Aum ♥