Saturday, October 20, 2012

Treat the Cause

Treat the Cause

"The pressure of the world is so great and the fear is so great that every time someone comes to us with a serious sin or a serious disease, we quickly turn to see if we can't find a God to help us do something to it -- and we don't succeed.  In spiritual healing we succeed only as we can attain an inner conviction that God is the only power, Life is the only creative, maintaining and sustaining power, and God has no opposite and no opposition so we are not using God to heal a disease." 

- The Foundation of Mysticism by Joel Goldsmith

The spiritual technology of Spiritual Mind Treatment is a very potent tool that can be used in our journey spirit-ward as we dissolve all things which do not serve us. When faced with false thoughts or experiences treatment can be used to correct our vision, correct our thinking and get to the root cause of these false appearances.  Without developing a true awareness of Cause and Effect then we will merely get caught up in trying to "Heal the Effects" of our lives rather then getting to their true source.

If a friend develops a sickness of any kind and we wish to be of benefit to them we must not hold false-hoods in our consciousness and at all entertain the thought that the sickness has a reality of its own. There is only one power and that power is not malevolent in nature nor does it compete with any other power in the whole of the Universe.  Our sick friends has merely lost sight of their own true self and has begun to entertain a less-then idea about themselves and to offer the service of treatment we must not see the sickness. 

It is in this way that treatment always becomes something done for ourselves. We do not treat "others" because no "others" truly exist. There is only one so we must give Treatment to our our mind and consciousness so that all false perceptions and thought may be corrected in the light of the Divine Mind of God. We deny the appearances and affirm the true nature which is at the cause of all existence.

You cannot be sick because God cannot be sick. God is perfect health, perfect life, perfect light. And the Father and the Son are one. Let us not remain convinced by appearances and let us go directly to First Cause, to the loving heart of Creation that does not contend with less than conditions. To the degree that we hold spiritual truth in our consciousness will be the degree it is expressed in our lives.

Aum ♥

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