Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What you take with you

"God can do for you only what God can do through you"

We are moving through a period of transition in all levels of experience. Things are being given and things are falling away. We may find ourselves in situations and experiences that don't seem to correspond with the Vision we hold in our hearts and minds. How much easier could all of this be if we just won the lottery? $50 million in the bank, shorty, what do you thank? 


What do YOU THANK? 

I firmly believe that once we align ourselves with the Will of God and once we exist in harmony with the Universal Current any and all things will be added unto you. This also begs the question "What will be taken away?". Is it necessary that things be "taken away?". I find it hard to understand how less is more in this equation. If the Universe operates through abundance then why is it I do not currently experience it? 

So I consulted Master Yoda, and was given this simple explanation. 

Yoda: Whole you are. Complete you are. Empty you must be for Truth and given to you it shall. 

Lack is merely a concept of a mind which does not perceive truth. Limitation is merely the shadow of ignorance and disbelief. Can we say we are one with the force if we feel that more is necessary to be who and what we truly are? 

In the larger context of the Universal Current and the Shyft we are all experiencing, I am at peace with knowing that less is more! And in all honesty that which I may perceive is lacking is merely something I cannot bring into the New World. Things must be let go of. Like when we travel on a plane to take us to a new destination there is luggage we cannot bring with us on the flight. That's not to say that once we 'arrive' that it won't be sitting there waiting for us, thought its not worth of much concern. 

Aum ♥ 

A little after thought; was looking at the word SHYFT and my brain concocted a cool acronym; 

S ee
H ow
Y ou
F it
T ogether

He he..  ;) 

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