Thursday, September 27, 2012

Naked I AM

 Naked I am

Resting peacefully in a quiet slumber
Floating with dreams fast asleep

stillness beyond form as I hover
slight movements from breath as we breathe

observing this body, connected lover
a body we share cannot define we

awareness diminished, adjusting covers
forgetting life, beyond what is seen

eyes open wide, to chirps and flutter
a day of life through divine remembering

I am naked, naked I am

left the body behind, cannot take it where I go
for where I reside, only I can truly know

set out on this journey, yearning with an urge
flirting with oblivion as I let the shadows burn

There is no sound, nothing for me to see
No colors to touch, no conflict to free

Joined in the empty my presence cannot fill
One with each point, the sanctuarys still

I bring to the father what the father has given
nothing and everything 

I am naked, naked I am

Grimm & Tabby

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