Thursday, September 27, 2012

You Are Complete

I breath into this moment and recognize that the fullness of God, the perfection of Spirit, and the Abundance of Life exists here and now as me and through me. I release all thoughts and ideas of separation knowing full well that this Universe is a Whole. There are no parts. 

I look out into the world and see only the fullness of God reflected back at me. I hold this perfect vision so that it may be expressed. The miracle of life and love may find demonstration through me. I open myself to be a vehicle for Divinities grace in the world. There is no fear.

I have nothing I must do to be who and what I am. I am complete in my being and I accept this truth so it may emerge from the depths of my soul and be shared with all the Kosmos. I know that the thoughts of perfection and divinity which I hold in my mind can be felt and heard by all beings in the Universe for we all share of the One, Infinite Mind of God. 

All ideas and beliefs about life are false to the extent that they bring me away from my center.  Truth is ever present and I release all thoughts and remain focused on the eternal moment where the Truth is revealed. I find only Love. I find only light. This is Truth.

I extend blessings and peace to all the world. I hold in my heart perfect Love and in my mind perfect vision and extend it to all the minds and hearts forever connected as One. My body remains fully connected with the Tree of Life and I accept the gifts of its fruit as they manifest as abundance, harmony, grace, peace, and perfect health. 

I know that I reside in the Kingdom always and seek only to reveal its presence in the lives of all those I encounter. May my blessings reach them and heal them of false thoughts and words. May they too accept the Kingdom, here and now. 

I release these words into the eternal Law and know that my perfect vision is shared.

And so it is


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