Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Creative Principal

The Creative Principal

"We should daily affirm that new ideas are coming to us, new ways of doing things; that we are meeting new and wonderful friends, new situations; that joyous things are going to happen to us. The Creative Principle is always reacting to us as we act in It. It is always creating in our bodies and our affairs. Consequently, we should all learn to live in a state of joyous and enthusiastic expectancy. This is the principle upon which faith and the answer to prayer are based."  - Ernest Holmes

Each of us are eternally engaged with the creative dynamic of the Kosmos and are bringing to life the Universe with each thought, word and action. There is never NOT a time when we are not creating. The reality of our creations is never insubstantial. Even the most subtle thought has the potential to become a governing paradigm. A moment of our attention has the power to transform the reality we perceive. And as we all share in the one mind do we also share the infinitude of thoughts and dreams, feelings and idea's, genius and inspiration. 

As localized expressions of Divinity we have within us the capacity to hold perfect vision within our mind and this attention focuses awareness in such a way that all the world is touched by its positive and expansive nature. Never believe that prayer goes un-answered for each thought and feeling is creative. We must only be mindful in the method of prayer. Never supplicate. Appreciate. Know that here and now all is perfect and whole. Know in your heart and mind that you have arrived. You are home. This moment is the apex of the journey. Be with it.

We have joined together during a monumental shift in the world. Everything is changing, and is doing so at the most subtle levels of being. Know that the thoughts you hold about life, spirit, God, and faith has direct effects on the course this shift takes.  Knowing that our thoughts, words and actions are creative let us choose, as ONE, an experience of life that demonstrates wholeness, excellence, Love and Compassion. Let us release the grip we have on the old and embrace the emerging beauty of Spirits genius in our lives. 

Today's Affirmation

I breath into the awareness of life's perfection and embrace its infinite bounty. I recognize the One mind which is shared by all of creation and release any thoughts of separation or otherness. I am Love itself. I am spirit both infinite and free. 

I recognize my purpose here is to illuminate the Divine reality which is eternal and Fully present. There are no parts. There is no space. I ignite my heart with the flame of Gods Love and with it light up the dark. My acceptance of Gods love heals my body and mind which I extend to my brothers and sisters. 

All is perfect. All is complete. 

And so it is! 


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