Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Greater WE

After listening to Ken Wilber discuss a growing issue within the integral community I began to realize that this issue is occurring globally in every city and community that is shifting towards a more spiritual more sustainable modality of being in the world. Ken describes that we've begun a process of creating many 'small WE groups' which hold the intention of the world at large but seem to be only participating within the group they attribute themselves to. 

The small 'differences' between philosophy, modality, or principal seems to divide us in practice yet we hold in consciousness a common, unified vision. Yet if we cannot come together in practice, demonstrating our Unity, then how different are we really being in the world? What is it going to take for us to solidify our intention with our demonstration? Any wise man will tell you that our combined efforts will have a much greater impact in how this world and life on it shifts then non-concerted efforts. 

And I understand that because of the nature of what we are exploring here, that individual or even micro-collectives will have differing experiences of the causal and subtle dimensions of experience. And I feel that the solution lies in us coming together within the only common playing field there is; the Heart. 

You've heard me use the term psychic stream more then once and I'd like to propose a thought in how we can maintain individualistic paradigms grown from personal experience of the subtle realms of being yet hold fast to the collective psychic stream in which we are all participating within. And the purpose for this is to come together as a Global WE, consciously recognizing the spontaneity and beauty of our personal demonstrations while simultaneously harmonizing with the greater truth of our Unity and Vision. 

I feel that each of our own expressions in this world hold a great beauty. Maintaining this beauty is paramount because it honors the expression of humanity. Yet we are NOT humanity. We are before physicality. Before expression and form. Before all that was created. Before the Universe. Combining both form and the formless has always seemed a feat well beyond the capabilities of a mere mortal man (or woman). Though, we are not mere mortals. We are the Universe in Person. Together we exist as the ONE IN THE MANYAnd expressing this, demonstrating this, and living this puts us all at the control panel of this INFINITE power.

I hold the One in my prayers. I recognize that regardless of the form it may take, that its the only thing looking through all of our eyes. And from this recognition I sink into the glory of who and what I really am and seek to share this reality with all of you.

Aum ♥

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