Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Subtle

As we continue this journey I refer to as "Emergence", each of us are becoming more susceptible to the greater vision of Reality.  Through meditation we can catch glimpses of the governing dimensions of being. We become consciously aware of the subtle dynamic of creation and more importantly the infinite canvas which all form and experience rises from.

To illustrate the nature of this 'blossoming' I am going to use the presence of Electricity and its presence demonstrated through a light bulb. I am also going to refer to a word known as Xeper, which means more or less "to come into being". Together I will attempt to give a clear picture of the process of creation in concert with the creator --> created modality. 

We can agree that Electricity has always been and only through its discovery have we been able to harness it for our benefit. When we flip on a switch we direct this field of electricity into a bulb which provides light. We did not create the electricity nor did we create the light. The electricity ALWAYS is and the light is an aspect of its nature. 

So too with our creation AND experience of life we are directing that which is always present into a particular way to demonstrate a form which manifests a particular nature of Reality. For example, by holding in our mind thoughts of abundance, joy, and peace we are "flipping a switch" which focuses the ever present good of life into a form (collaboration, unity, sustainability) which is then demonstrated through our experiences. If we were to focus our mind on lack, limitation, and fear we would be flipping a switch that focuses the same infinite field into a different form which is then expressed through our experiences. 

This field is neutral, causative, and holographic. 

It may seem at times that what is proceeding as experience in our life is being caused by something physical, something outside of us, something beyond our control. This conflict is resolved when we fuse all the aspects of creation into one thing. The process of electricity/ light bulb / light co-arises together in a wonderful tapestry of creation. What I am attempting to convey is that in this equation there is an Effect which can be turned off, and a cause that is always on.

Evolution is Xeper. Who and what we really are exists in this field of infinite mind which all our talents, gifts, inspirations, personality, and form arise from. And where it all eventually returns. When we go into stillness through meditation and prayer we are releasing ourselves from the constraints of these variety of forms and step into a dimension of emptiness where all potential and possibility exist. And as one we are each moving into this space where transmission of our greatest yet to be can occur (Xeper) and be expressed. 


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