"What we perceive co-arises simultaneously with what we project"
"To change the world we must first change ourselves"
Think of yourself as a projector and everything you experience, see, feel, or interact with as what your projecting. This is the mode of experience shared by the majority of humanity. Now entertain the thought of someone (like yourself) waking up from this subtle, dream like state and consciously observing what is being projected, the process of projection itself, and most importantly what we are projecting on.
These three variable modes of awareness are what lead us to a Universal contextual field in which our intelligence surrounding existence, creation, and experience expands and instigates an entirely different world-view to emerge. Lets take a look together and see what it is we find.
First we have the projection itself. This aspect of consciousness is directly related with the world-view we currently hold to be true. This is a conglomerate of paradigms, emotional matrices, life meanings, and cognitive limits. This translates into the archetype we embed over our reality and determines the nature of our experience. This is where the "veil" can be said to arise or the subtle co-arising of observer and observed. Its in between this space of experience where we catch a glimpse of our creative potency.
Moving into an awareness of this subtle space is the catalyst of transformation and shifting into the driver seat of our experiences. Doing so requires a quiet mind free of distractions and chatter so that we can release the grip of the mind and soften its diligence of applying meaning, judgments, and identity.
From this we ascend to an awareness of greater subtlety when we open to the process of projection itself. We ask the important question; who or what is projecting? This inquiry of self leads us to determine that we are in fact not what we are projecting yet are responsible for how we experience the projection. We develop a more authentic relationship with our nature as creators of these projections and our reactions to them.
This altitude of awareness seg-ways into another question; what happens if we don't project?
In everyday experience this question is rarely asked little own recognized as valid. How could we not project. Well this is in fact the "Wake Up" that's talked about. This is your mythological enlightenment. Once projection ceases and we directly look at what we were projecting on, the true nature of Reality emerges into our awareness. We are in the world but the world is not in us. We hold no meaning, no identity, no judgments, no limitations. We are empty. This is not oblivion. In fact this stage of awareness co-arises with an infinite fullness that can hardly be imagined.
There is such abundance in this mode of experience and being that joy and fulfillment is a natural extension of Reality itself. Extension is how life generates and expands. Its how consciousness makes its quantum leaps into greater creativity, spontaneity, complexity and form. Our very presence as human beings is little more then the extension of an already infinite and fully present beauty and Love which births all of creation.
With this realization we are brought to the "feet of God" where unification of Observer/Observed manifests as an understanding of Reality. Extension of the fullness of the Universe into every piece and particle. Each particle equally full and present with the wholeness of the Love-Beauty which births it. And through us is this extension fulfilled when we join in consciousness, join in Love, join in abundance and say yes to the perfect beauty of Life itself.
Aum ♥
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