Monday, July 30, 2012


We live at the threshold of a universal recognition that the human being is not mere matter, but a potent, energetic field of consciousness. Modalities of the past millennium are quickly giving away to breakthrough technologies wherein we heal ourselves at the level of all true healing, which is spirit
Michael Beckwith

This is it folks.
So many of us have gone through quite the battle to get to where we are today. We've moved through years of self created suffering caused by a lack of awareness. We've made relationships and lost relationships based on false perceptions. We've neglected who and what we really are and mis-created our lives in the image of the false idols we held so dear. 
We cannot speak of this as being true any more. We've breached the event horizon and are being propelled by the Evolutionary Impulse which is driving the entire Kosmos toward greater synergy, holism, and consciousness. If ever we have asked "Who will save us now?" we must only look into a mirror and notice that it reflects the Divine response. 
Each moment we choose to sit idly by is a moment we choose to ignore the Divine Impulse to become and grow. Each time we judge another to be less then what he or she is, we choose to not see with our perfect vision. How can we hope to create a new wonderful world if we cannot even perceive our brothers and sisters truly? 
I know it can be hard. I know each of us may still struggle from day to day. Keeping pace with the tremendous interior and exterior changes going on in our lives. The most important thing to remember is that you are NOT doing it alone. Every person whom God puts in your way is a gift. Within this gift is the opportunity to EXPRESS who and what you really are. The future I hold in my mind does not exclude anyone. For it to be what we experience, we MUST come together as whole and complete beings. The present potential we aim to realize will only come from DEMONSTRATING who and what we are TOGETHER!
And through this choice we shall usher in the most brilliant vision we currently hold for ourselves; METAMAN. It will be the birth of something truly fantastic. As we come together, consciously aware of the fact that only ONE THING is going on our powers and genius will expand with such potency there will be nothing standing in our way. Nothing shadowing our light!
I invite you to join with me in consciousness. To join with me in vision. I open my heart and mind so that the path may be made clear. I will not let any 'less' idea's cloud my perception. We are all here together for a wondrous purpose. We are here together to walk each other home. I stretch out my hand to each of you with Love and Acceptance. With Joy and Excitement. With Vision and Grace.
And together we say;

And so it is!


Sunday, July 22, 2012

The next Step

We share One Mind. This infinite intelligence expresses through all things and to the degree we are aware of it is the degree in which we harmonize with the evolutionary impulse which drives towards greater expansion and holism. It is a sea of infinite potential that at present only a fraction has been realized. We are seeking to look through a larger keyhole, so that more of 'reality' may pour into our awareness. 

One of the influential factors in the human experience which affects our perception and awareness of reality is known as race consciousness. In simpler terms its the guiding paradigm held in the Sub-Conscious of humanity which carves out the experience we have as a species and as a spiritual family. Race consciousness provides the template in which we each apply the experiences of our life and draw from it meaning and purpose. 

The Shift can be understood as a fluctuation of this guiding paradigm brought about through a quantum leap of consciousness as more of this infinite potential is revealed. Like all things it begins as a thought, a configuration of mental energy supplied from the ever present goodness and love of Source. Its nature is to expand and express. Therefore we have received the vision of the part we can play in co-creating this potential. This vision is the Evolutionary Impulse which was responsible for single celled organisms leaping into the sea of potentia and emerging as multi-celled organisms. This example alone illuminates a potent wisdom that needs to be applied in our experience as a family to ensure the continuation of this current incarnation of consciousness.

The root of the Shift is simple. We are elevating the idea we hold about ourselves and about life. We are accepting a greater role as caretakers of the planet, of our bodies, of our minds, and of every experience we share together in this life. We are becoming increasingly aware of the potent energy of Love, and how it directly mirrors the Evolutionary Impulse to expand and express. Any and all paradigms (both micro and macro) which stem from the less than vibrations of fear and separation are beginning to fall apart; simply because they don't make any sense. Its akin to removing the training wheels off a bike, once we overcome the fear that we will fail at riding it safely. 

What I believe to be the most beautiful aspect of this Shift is the emergence of the Super Organism, Meta-man. The union between the biological and the technological which shall expand the horizon of human experience and be the saving grace of our current expression of life. Through what we shall discover in the coming years (and even months), mankind will begin tapping into a much more profound paradigm which will fuel our quantum leap from "Animals Surviving" to Homo-Universalis (the Universal Human). This jump represents a maturing of the human race, the paradigms we hold and the vision we embrace.

The illusions of the world will be seen as they are; tools. The over-arching identity we hold about ourselves will expand into a great reality. The Christ will emerge as we begin speaking with One Voice from our One Heart. Each of us are potent beings as we experience our individuality. Though, for this experience to continue we must embrace the greater reality; We Are One. This is not mere spiritual fantasy. This is the next step. Its what we must choose next if we are to maintain our presence in the Kosmos, in this way. Truly, Love is the answer to all our conflict and conundrums. To all of our crisis and grievances. This glorious vision is here and now. And lets be honest, we do not have a good enough excuse as to why it should not be made a reality, here and now.

Aum ♥ 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Through us. As us.


  When we discuss the idea of God's will, we are talking about something very potent AND very liberating. Most of us have come to this conceptual idea of "spirituality" through a similar path; we've understood experentially that there is something about life we do not understand. It is this lack of understanding that has led our lives down the path of conflict and disease. Making this statement, "I don't understand something about life" is in itself a powerful affirmation. We first take responsibility that WE are creating our lives but there is an aspect of the formula which we are missing, and thus creating experiences which do not reflect the wholly and perfect peace of spirit.

This missing piece of the puzzle is our full acceptance of God's Will. Lets look at this closer so we can have a shared understanding and vision. Who and what we "think" we are, is false. We are not this body. We are not this personality. We are not this mind or its thoughts. We are not the emotions or sensations we perceive. We are not the transient, phenomenal experience of life. We are not a we at all. There is only ONE. This 'one' is God. The Will of this 'One' is Love. How this translates into the human experience is just as simple. If we harbor the idea that we are ANYTHING other then Love itself, then we've devised our own plan and will. If let go of the idea's we hold about ourselves, and life in general, then all that's left is what we are! Which is LOVE ITSELF.

Another way of looking at this is cleansing our perception of individuality for just a moment, and allow the purity of spirit to reveal itself. What we are is BEFORE both what we perceive and experience. There is something which is forever present. Its light neither rises nor sets. There is an infinite, radiant intelligence back of all which we perceive and experience. It is this intelligence which is expressing itself through us, as us. Now this understanding CHANGES EVERYTHING. Now we can see that which we did not understand before. There is no will of my own, and if I perceive there to be then it is ONE with the Will of God because the will of God is ALL THERE IS.



Thursday, July 12, 2012

Divine Sight


"The message your Brother gives you is up to you. What does he say to you? What would you have him say? Your decision about him determines the message you receive. Remember that The Holy Spirit is in him and His Voice speaks to you through him. What can so Holy a brother tell you except truth? But are you listening to it? Your brother may not know who he is, but there is a light in his mind that does know. This light can shine into yours, giving truth to his words and making you able to hear them. His words are the Holy Spirits answer to you. Is your faith in him strong enough to hear?"ACIM Text Chapter 9 Page 164

Correct vision is the key to seeing your brother as he is. Through prayer and treatment, we dissolve all false seeing that will lead us to approach our brothers and sisters as if they are NOT Divinity itself. Regardless of age, race, color, culture, nationality, sexual orientation or otherwise each being we encounter is an expression of the infinite, loving Source of which each of share in both Love and Intelligence. 

Spirit is open. Expansive. All Inclusive. Let us not limit God by requiring it to express in particular ways. For the Lord speaks to each of us in all ways, ALWAYS. Therefore let us approach our brethren with the same unconditional love we have for God, for there is a light there which is pure and wholly complete. There is nothing to be added and nothing that can be taken away. We will find God by finding each other. Be this... Love itself.

Aum ♥

Friday, July 6, 2012

You cannot Fail

"You cannot fail today. There walks with you the Spirit Heaven sent you, that you might approach this door some day, and through His aid slip effortlessly past it, to the light. Today that day has come. Today God keeps His ancient promise to His holy Son, as does his Son remember his to Him. This is a day of gladness, for we come to the appointed time and place where you will find the goal of all your searching here, and all the seeking of the world, which end together as you pass beyond the door."

- ACIM WB p.241-14

I opened ACIM this morning to this page and was instantly moved. I was moving through a period of doubt, of fear. I become still upon awaking and moved into my temple. I took a few deep breathes and asked for release from these illusory feelings. I was overcome with a sense of completion. The feeling one gets when a project is finished, when the destination is reached.

Curious, though, that I had yet to 'do' anything yet.

I opened the ACIM book and randomly flipped to a page. My eyes darted down to the page I opened to and I read the above paragraph. God is everything. This is just a mere book, but communication is infinite. I am eternally grateful for both God and Love as well as having the conscious awareness of both.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Cup is still



For the moment, let us accept that What we Are is the cup. All which is arises in our awareness is the water inside the cup. When we identify with the phenomena in our lives which is illustrated by stirring the water in the cup, we experience the motion as if we are IN the water. In truth, we are the cup which is eternally still regardless of the activity (water) occurring in the cup.

When we learn to let go of identification, meaning, beliefs, and idea's we become liberated from projecting ourselves into the water and thus no longer experience the activity as if it were happening to us. We have a direct experience of all phenomena occurring within our awareness, absent of both meaning and identification. 

Now, the water (phenomena) can be stirred only through identification and application of personality. We can see how we are in truth a Triune being, three-in-one. We are the cup, the Water and the activity of the Water. The cup is pure awareness in which both the water and its activity arises within. When we identify with the water we continuously stir it up with our projections, and thus either suffer or enjoy from this activity. When we let go of such limited identities we return to that which is eternal (The cup). 

No matter how much the water is stirred the cup is forever still. Seek then to be free of the toiling of our human idea's and concepts. Reside in the stillness. This is our home in which we forever reside. Even when we think ourselves the water (body of affairs) we remain as the cup. We merely choose not to experience ourselves as the cup. Be still. 
