We live at the threshold of a universal recognition that the human being is not mere matter, but a potent, energetic field of consciousness. Modalities of the past millennium are quickly giving away to breakthrough technologies wherein we heal ourselves at the level of all true healing, which is spirit
Michael Beckwith
This is it folks.
So many of us have gone through quite the battle to get to where we are today. We've moved through years of self created suffering caused by a lack of awareness. We've made relationships and lost relationships based on false perceptions. We've neglected who and what we really are and mis-created our lives in the image of the false idols we held so dear.
We cannot speak of this as being true any more. We've breached the event horizon and are being propelled by the Evolutionary Impulse which is driving the entire Kosmos toward greater synergy, holism, and consciousness. If ever we have asked "Who will save us now?" we must only look into a mirror and notice that it reflects the Divine response.
Each moment we choose to sit idly by is a moment we choose to ignore the Divine Impulse to become and grow. Each time we judge another to be less then what he or she is, we choose to not see with our perfect vision. How can we hope to create a new wonderful world if we cannot even perceive our brothers and sisters truly?
I know it can be hard. I know each of us may still struggle from day to day. Keeping pace with the tremendous interior and exterior changes going on in our lives. The most important thing to remember is that you are NOT doing it alone. Every person whom God puts in your way is a gift. Within this gift is the opportunity to EXPRESS who and what you really are. The future I hold in my mind does not exclude anyone. For it to be what we experience, we MUST come together as whole and complete beings. The present potential we aim to realize will only come from DEMONSTRATING who and what we are TOGETHER!
And through this choice we shall usher in the most brilliant vision we currently hold for ourselves; METAMAN. It will be the birth of something truly fantastic. As we come together, consciously aware of the fact that only ONE THING is going on our powers and genius will expand with such potency there will be nothing standing in our way. Nothing shadowing our light!
I invite you to join with me in consciousness. To join with me in vision. I open my heart and mind so that the path may be made clear. I will not let any 'less' idea's cloud my perception. We are all here together for a wondrous purpose. We are here together to walk each other home. I stretch out my hand to each of you with Love and Acceptance. With Joy and Excitement. With Vision and Grace.
And together we say;
And so it is!