I awake and breathe into the full awareness of the infinite, loving intelligence which is the source of all that exists. I AM one with his intelligence, One with its Love. I AM IT, individualized. The Universe in person. I open myself to the flow of good and grace, forever with me as I live, move and have my being in God.
I open my heart to the wonder of life. I open my heart to the universe and accept my truest nature as Love itself. I shall demonstrate this truth to all creatures and beings that enter my awareness. I accept in full the choice to be the "light of the world". As I close my eyes, the world of form slips away and I become fully conscious and aware of the Christ within. Each being shall bear witness to the infinite and ever present Love of God as it expresses through me, as me.
I release these words into the infinite Law, knowing that as I speak it, it is made so by the very power of the Kosmos. All is perfect. All is right. All is Good.
And so it is!
What more of a purpose could we have then to be direct expressions of Divinity in the world. If we look around can we not see a plenitude of opportunities to share the Love we are? Everything we see is worthy of the Love of God. And through us is this love expressed. Keep centered in your mind the perfection of life and seek to reveal this perfect, divine reality to EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. Our only true purpose is to WAKE UP so that we may aid in waking up others.We do this through demonstration.
Be mindful today. Let go of the incessant drumming of thoughts which try to pull you this way, and that way. Be still and allow life to show you the way. You are at service to all beings, and each one asks the same question.. "WHO AM I?" . Be there, present and whole and give them the Holy response through your thoughts, words, and actions.
You are L♥VE itself.
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