For the moment, let us accept that What we Are is the cup. All which is arises in our awareness is the water inside the cup. When we identify with the phenomena in our lives which is illustrated by stirring the water in the cup, we experience the motion as if we are IN the water. In truth, we are the cup which is eternally still regardless of the activity (water) occurring in the cup.
When we learn to let go of identification, meaning, beliefs, and idea's we become liberated from projecting ourselves into the water and thus no longer experience the activity as if it were happening to us. We have a direct experience of all phenomena occurring within our awareness, absent of both meaning and identification.
Now, the water (phenomena) can be stirred only through identification and application of personality. We can see how we are in truth a Triune being, three-in-one. We are the cup, the Water and the activity of the Water. The cup is pure awareness in which both the water and its activity arises within. When we identify with the water we continuously stir it up with our projections, and thus either suffer or enjoy from this activity. When we let go of such limited identities we return to that which is eternal (The cup).
No matter how much the water is stirred the cup is forever still. Seek then to be free of the toiling of our human idea's and concepts. Reside in the stillness. This is our home in which we forever reside. Even when we think ourselves the water (body of affairs) we remain as the cup. We merely choose not to experience ourselves as the cup. Be still.
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