I have been revisiting the works of H.P Blavatsky and the teachings of Theosophy. I purchased the full volume of "The Secret Doctrine" about 6 years ago but never got around to reading it in its entirety. In retrospect I understand that it was merely because I was not ready for the wisdom contained therein.
For those of you who have not read the S.D or have ever heard of Theosophy here is a little blurb about it. Essentially Theosophy posits that the source of modern day religions has their source in ancient, esoteric wisdom that was passed both orally and through recorded means. Much of the teachings, allegories, and insights were shared in the Mesopotamian times (Chaldean Dynasty/Ancient Babylon). The S.D specifically offers commentaries on the ancient text "The Book of Dzyan", which is Tibetan in origin and outlines the process in which a Universe comes into being (Manvanteric Period) and its nature when it has receded back into its eternal state of Non-being (Pralaya).
From here the text goes into describing the "Pilgrimage" of the indwelling monad or the individuation of the One Eternal Mind. And it is here that I tend to get shivers up my spine (recognition of truth) and fall into a silent, still space of knowing. The reason for this is because I recognize that we as a collective [the 5th Root Race] are at the very stage of evolution [Conscious] where we will be faced with crisis and challenges meant to catapult us into the next stage of being [Homo Universalis].
I spend a great deal of my time anchored into the awareness and energy of Arrival and it is from this place that I receive powerful visions and insights regarding the potential of humanity and what we can create and experience together. I feel like I am on a R&D team for humanity. Designing and creating new and exciting ways to be in the world and the unlimited potency of our combined intelligence and spirit.
And whats more, these visions are being birthed around the world in the form of technology, spirituality, sciences, and culture as if I've remote viewed these potentials or Quantum Leaped into the not so distant future and bared witness to a society built on principals which are being discovered and used here and now. Some may think my life choices in the last little while have been foolish, though I admit to the understanding that most people just don't understand. ~smile~
And this is what excites me! The time I am taking now to develop my awareness and my response-ability is going to be of great service during this time of transition for those who have yet to see the beauty that they are and all of the grandeur they are a part of. My prayer is to be an honest vessel for this immaculate intelligence and Love so that through my subsequent demonstration others can join and partake of the wondrous freedom and joy that has become my life!
Aum ♥
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