Wednesday, November 7, 2012

#We Are Here

Good Morning Beautiful Souls!

I speak to you this sunny morning to ask for you to join me in a little project. Its time we all recognize the power of collective intention and awareness and choose to come together and harness the power of the One Mind. We utilize this power through our social media and interactions online. The internet itself is a physical expression of the Noosphere (thinking layer of the earth) and its about time we begin using it to its fullest capacities. 

With this in mind I'd like you all to join me in anchoring the consciousness of ARRIVAL. Yesterday was an election in the United States where Obama was re-elected into office. He will be the individual who leads a country (and the world) through these turbulent, shifting times. Though the response-ability does not fall on his shoulders alone. We must all play a part in being the vessels for change. And there are those of us who have become conscious and aware (Awake and Alive) of who we are and what we came here to do. 

I think its time to let the world know #WeAreHere

Join in me in using this particular hashtag for the purposes of creating a viral altitude of awareness that can literally enhance the momentum of the Shift we are all experiencing. Nothing is happening to us... its happening THROUGH US. 


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