Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Divinity Within

What I have found the most interesting about the most recent presidential election is the various altitudes of awareness and the points of views they share. You have a circle of awareness which discusses the candidates as people, their political leanings and the promises they make. Another altitude ignores the people and focuses on the fundamental flaw of democracy and politics in general. Others ignore the seeming "illusion" of choice, claiming we are all at the whims of super rich madmen who pull the strings from behind the thin veil. 

All of this is fine and dandy but holding it in the mind is ultimately SELF DEFEATING. Why? None of it is true. None of it has any meaning. Its making judgement on a reality that isn't real. Yes we are in a world that could use a little shift in how its operated within and how we can show up in it. We really need to wake up and smell the Columbian roast when it comes to these thoughts and opinions of world leaders.  Do you think whether or not they are mere puppets, whether or not they are intelligent or ignorant, or whether or not they are good or evil that the Divine spirit is vacant within them? 

Really sit with this. Spirit is there as it is within all things. I am moved to share that if we REALLY want to change the world we merely need to change how we are looking at it. The shift occurs within and is reflected OUTWARDS.

Barack Obama is a divine Son of God, whether he knows it or not. His very being is rooted within the Divine mind which we all share. I hold in my consciousness his wholeness and perfection as I do with all things and only choose to recognize his capacity to awaken from any and all moments of temporary insanity and let the infinite intelligence and wisdom of spirit to ignite alive within him. 

I ask that you all join me in this perfect vision as well as hold in consciousness the perfect world we all wish to express from deep within us. There is not a 99%. There is not a 1%. There is ONLY ONE THING GOING ON. 

Get with it. 

Aum ♥

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