Monday, November 5, 2012

Of myself I do Nothing

Know that with each step taken the whole of the Kosmos walks with you. Through you is Divinity expressed, extended, and shared with all the world. 

You hold only a personality as an identity but in truth you are infinitely more then this. The Father walks with you, as you and all works are done by Him through you. When we align in our minds with Truth and Grace we accept our true Self. We accept that we did not make ourselves nor do we maintain it by any will of our own. We are made whole and are forever kept whole by the very grace of God.

Conscious Evolution is about stepping into the full awareness of the power which is at the heart of who and what we are. Its about recognizing that the fullness of this power can only be expressed through us as a collective. For it is as a whole we truly exist and this is expressed when we come together and perform miracles.

Look to your brother as an equal extension of God's Love and know that together you bring heaven to earth. 

Aum ♥

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