Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Death's Lesson

We embark in this life with the knowledge shared and offered by our parents, community, society in general. I've learned that this knowledge is very limited, and incomplete. It was not until almost 21 years into this incarnation before recognizing consciously that there were lessons (remembrances) to be had and that the seemingly unending suffering I was putting myself through could be stopped, could be dissolved through awakening to the true nature of existence. 

In this relatively short time of study and practice, many lessons have presented themselves and many have been learned. Many are still being learned. The quality and depth of life has increased exponentially in the last 5-6 years of my experience because of my conscious participation with life and its governing principals. 

Apparently, today is a "hallmark" for one of the more powerful lessons I have learned in my life. This was the lesson of Death. My mother passed away on this date 8 years ago, from what I first believed to be cancer but later discovered (through learned lessons) that the true cause of her transition was a severe disconnect from the "Tree of Life". It was a difficult period for me because of the nature of my experience, and the "history" my mother and I shared. There was regret, guilt, and bad memories. 

I have had many powerful healing experiences in the last 8 years and through conscious and authentic contemplation of my early experiences with my mother and the experience of her transition I've glimpsed the peace which is at the heart of life, the grace which leads us each day, the Love which governs are every breath. The true nature of life has been revealed and its not what was assumed for so long. We are IMMORTAL and EVERLASTING.

The question for me has always been whether or not the personality of a human being (or other form of life which has personality) experience continuity following the transition into the force. And like all things which take form (including personality, which is formed over the course of phenomenal existence), all dissolves back from when it came into formlessness. Perhaps we retain a subtle form or vehicle in death so as to traverse the infinite landscapes of this multi-dimensional Kosmos, but is our human (ego) personality maintained once we transform? 

And what does it mean for us, who remain when others "Cross Over"? 

Are we to maintain the idea we held about them in life? Are we to cling to the memory of them in some hope of keeping them alive? And are we doing this because we feel we have to? That this is what we are supposed to do? How does this effect our own consciousness and understanding of Death? Does it give us comfort to think that when we die, we will have loved one's waiting for us?

If this is true then holding onto the memory of loved ones becomes a selfish attempt to maintain "false security" in our lives. It becomes the ego's attempt in having us believe that our fear is genuine and this happy thought will help us make it through. If our true self is not of this world, but of God and Love, then when we transition into the force we are released from the binds of our limited perception of life. If upon dying we remained conscious and aware (of something) then immediately our perception and understanding of life would be enhanced forever. 

I'm confident that my "Mom" does not even experience herself as "Mom". The idea of being a mom (or a physical being for that matter) exists as a altitude of awareness that is transcended upon our transition.  No different then entering a pool of warm water that was thought to be cold at first. The idea of cold is dissolved the very instant we enter the pool. The same is had when we enter into the realm of our immortal self. 

So the question which remains is how do we hold both Truth, and the memory of our loved ones? 

I believe the answer lies in the nature of our remembrance  Do we seek to hold a 'better' idea of our loved ones in our mind to relieve some of the guilt of viewing (and even treating) them poorly while they were alive? Does our memory of them include truth of who and what they are rather then the false idea we held about them? 

In my meditations I've never encountered the personality of my mother, but I have healed the idea of her personality. I recognize that what was being demonstrated in her life was merely a lack of understanding of her true nature and the truth about life. I also recognize that in the moment of her transition the Truth was instantly revealed to her consciousness and she was released from any and all falsehoods garnered through phenomenal existence. In these moments all idea's about her own life, and the lives of those "left behind" is forever dissolved in the light of Truth. No guilt, no regret. Only Love.

We can continue through our lives holding onto the Truth of our loved ones and keeping their memory merely as reference of the many lessons we shared with them. Let us not be convinced in the immortality of personality, but in the eternalness of the Spirit of God. Let us seek the peace that our Brothers and Sisters whom have transitioned now experience and share it in the here and now. 

I offer a prayer;

In this moment, I release all false ideas. 
I breathe into the awareness of the presence of Love, the presence of Grace
which is the nature of my being, and the nature of all life which is shared.
I purge my heart and mind of fear, of lack, of loss. The boundless abundance of God is ever present and forever accessible to me, here and now. 
I lay to rest the human idea's of life and embrace the truth of our immortal nature as Spirit. 
There is no Death; There is only the Force. 
There is no Loss; there is only infinite supply.
The peace of God is here, at the root of my being. And it is from this most holy place that my thoughts are grounded and from which all activity is born.
I rejoice in Spirit, I rejoice in the Mind of God which we all live, move and have our being. We are forever in the grace of Spirit. The outcome of life is never in doubt. 
Thank you, Great Spirit, for beating my heart and breathing life into my ever moment. Thank you for the presence of your grace in my life so that I may know peace, and share that peace with everyone. 
Thank you for the great lessons of life which I share with my Brothers and Sisters in the past, the present, and the future. 
In this moment I recognize the beauty of life and rejoice in it. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Ticket for Two

Each of us have a ticket.

It admits one.

This ticket grants admission to a life of purpose, wholeness, and love.

We can give this ticket to anyone; a friend, a relative, a perfect stranger.

And when we give this ticket, those who receive it must then give it to someone else.

And ever forward do these tickets get handed off until everyone has entered in.

Then we may know who we are, together.

Why be good? Not for God's Sake...

If we are doing anything from a point of fear then we are in fact making a groove in our consciousness that will govern each and every choice we make. If our belief lies in the idea that the good we do, we do to prevent punishment or scorn then our consciousness has been infiltrated by false thoughts. 

Do we act in the world from a space that does not encompass our own comfort? Are the good deeds we perform truly altruistic or have we become addicted to the "good vibes" that they create? Have we entrenched ourselves into a comfort zone? 

I can tell you this, "being good" is not a mandate of the Universe. The idea of good is, in and of itself, a human idea. And not a particularly evolved one. Good and Bad have swapped positions so many times that its begun to resemble musical chairs. "One mans good is another mans evil" as the saying goes. So what is it that wells up inside of us that drives us to be what most think of as good? And how do we become aware of the thoughts which are "bad"?

We could spend a lifetime trying to figure this out. And would get no further then the great philosophers of the past. We can categorize certain qualities and behaviors into one of the two headings, and still not have a Universal spectrum applicable to all things. One day the sun will super-nova and incinerate the entire solar system and any life that may still exist here. This does not make the Sun "bad" or "evil". This is why the concepts of "Good" and "Bad" just don't work any more. 

So we are back to square one. By what measure should mankind determine their activity? If not good and bad, then what? What can be universally applied to all things and all activities? This really causes us to take a look at the collective, rather then individual persons of humanity. As a collective what do we hold in highest regard? Whats resides as being the most important thing in our lives? Is it money? Is it Love? Is it material possessions? Is it God? 

What ties all of these things together? 

At a glance, I see them as being connected by a very simple thread. The need to be happy. And to avoid being to philosophical I am not going to delve into the philosophy of being happy, but for the sake of argument accept the thought that being happy is to be fulfilled, complete, without worry or doubt of life's outcome.  That's pretty all-encompassing. 

So now we have a spectrum. Happy... and not happy. We cannot escape the ancient dichotomy of good and bad until we resolve duality. So that's the next step. How do we harmonize this spectrum so that there is only a single plane we are existing within? What if we were to say that in truth, we are ALWAYS fulfilled, complete, and without doubt about life's ultimate outcome? What if it were merely a question of the nature of our awareness? 

So now we have a single plane of experience and depending on not only our position within this plane but how (or the nature of our awareness) we are perceiving this plane? We could tilt this plane in any direction and its nature would never change. We could put an infinite amount of points on this plane, and its nature would never change. We could twist, spin, turn, and contort this dimension and its nature would never change. The only element of change that can exist is our perception of it.

Here it is. 

Outside of a dualisitic spectrum, we reside in a Unified field of experience which through particular awareness (and by proxy particular activity) can be perceived and experienced more authentically.  The conditions for happy are always present and through awareness and activity of this Cosmic truth we can experience it in its fullest. 

So lets return to the idea of Good and Bad with this evolved understanding. 

Good is merely living in harmony with the true nature of reality (The Unified Spectrum) so as to facilitate an authentic experience of the ever present HAPPY. 

Bad is merely living in dis-ease with the true nature of reality so as to facilitate the experience of NOT HAPPY, but in no way alters or effects the incorruptible nature of the Universe. 


Monday, January 14, 2013

Power of Mind

"You govern your surroundings by the nature of what is taking place in your consciousness." 
- The Foundations of Mysticism -

There is nothing magical about spirit. Nothing supernatural. All which we are and what we express is very natural and are streams from the ocean of the consciousness we share with God. And it is the dominant thoughts, idea's and beliefs that we hold in our consciousness with consistency and focus that have the greatest influence on the nature of our experience. 

I want to stress that this not some fantastic, imagined, idea.

This is a usable science. A predictable science. Its effects are seen every day, in a near infinite amount of ways. Each experience you or I have is a direct expression of the mental concepts and idea's entertained within our consciousness. We see in the news war, murders, rapes, killing. We have idea's which we use to govern what these experiences mean. We grow angry, distasteful of our lesser kin. 

We become afraid of the outside world and withdraw our interest in being a participant of the madness. These false idea's promote separation and ironically lie at the heart of the cause of why these things occur. (Murder, War, Rape, Violence). We inherit the very concepts and idea's which birth these human atrocities in the first place, becoming harbingers of it. We create more of what we wish to lessen simply because this science is not seen as science. Its seen as mysticism. Its seen as spirituality, religion. And in our modern days there is no room for such fantasies to be entertained. 

And in our haste we rush to save the world. Save it from the monsters, from the disease's, from the enemies. And we do so from the same altitude of consciousness which made these undesirable conditions and elements. And as long as we believe in this shadow play, the longer they will dominate our experience of life. The false idea's we've been given were at first thought of us the tools of liberation but in are, in truth, the very bars which keep us caged. 

We have forgotten that we, like our Father, are at Cause. And in forgetting we have forgone the necessary wisdom to gracefully traverse this mortal plane. And in our ignorance we dismiss our own greatness with less then idea's and concepts. All the while our greatest good knocking on the door, only to be answered by those of us who can hear it beckon. And it is those who choose to answer the door that invite God into their consciousness and redeem all the glory and power of the Kingdom to be expressed in the here & now. 

Do we seek to be mindful? Or Mindless? To we seek to be full of our mind and its rampant thoughts? Or do we seek to be mentally still and void of pre-conceived notions and concepts? 

Emotional Charge

If there is one thing I have found difficult in this journey it would be the emotional/mental co-arising experience which is discovered through self-inquiry. You develop this response to be with the interior experience before creating/reacting from it. Its a subtle line and takes practice to become conscious in the space between the feeling and the expressing of experiences. 

Upon become adept at this subtle practice its as if each moment comes with greater depth and dimension, with more to explore and be conscious of. We can begin seeing the causative paths which led to the interior experience, which lead to the meaning or belief being adopted. Life becomes an inter-connected, interactive matrix of noumena (thought-stuff) that as soon as our awareness touches it, it is transformed into something else (quantum laws?) of greater  capacity and potential. 

I think of it sort of like spring cleaning... or gardening. Maintaining the inner garden. Yea, I like that. Become a conscious participant in life rather then a series of grinding cogs. And its so interesting when we go within and witness the shattered self... the self which is not whole, and is chalk full of excuses of why it can't change. Its blatantly obvious. And insane because of how self defeating it is. 

Its also interesting that some of the stuff we find going within is so POWERFUL. Literally.. there are some idea's I've found creeping around in my subconscious that was coupled with such a dense emotional charge that it took some time to dissolve its binds and ties. Stories that were just believed for so long that emotional/mental grooves were indented into the algorithms of our behavior. Dissecting and dissolving this programming (which in some cases is ANCIENT [see that as Race Consciousness] in origin requires vigilance. By being on top of this process we can make ground in healing a great deal of what we've been holding on to. 

Its like that computer game Minesweeper. You hit the right block and you can uncover dozens at a time. Just keep in mind that the operations of phenomena is governed by Cause and Effect, so be sure to get to the cause of these patterns rather then attempting to change effects through effect. 

One World or Two?

I feel that the greatest thing I have ever awakened to is the truth that there is not 2 distinct realities but One reality expressed in a multitude of ways. When you really think about it, the sheer genius and beauty of existence is astounding. Couldn't have thought it up better myself..

And whats more is that there is nothing "I need to do" to keep the genius and beauty flowing. Its self sustained, perfectly. However its when we get attached to certain idea's, certain conditions that we begin the vicious cycle of control and loss. We try to take something that is beautiful and perfect and constrain it into a small little box, and then call that box our beliefs, our needs, our wants and desires. Next thing we know we've become lost in attaining and maintaining these silly ideas and eventually suffering because they either didn't fulfill the illusory need we created or it requires more energy then we can muster to hold on to them.

So whats the alternative? How do we get free of this circle and finally find peace?

The answer is simpler then you think and it won't require a leap of faith or the stretching of thought or belief to realize the truth. Ready?

It's already done.

Ha! See the simplicity? See the beauty? This is the genius which is ever present in all things, and at all times. When we really think about our lives we are either chasing something or running from something. We are in either the past or the future. And when we exist explicitly in these 2 worlds we suffer, we get sick, we get old, we die. And whats worse, we never realize the true peace and contentment which is our natural state. 

So how does one resolve this apparent paradox? How do we become free of the restraints imposed by this pendulum modality? This part takes some work and patience because we literally need to forget to remember. And yes, it can be as difficult as it sounds. Though, its not impossible. 

Imagine this; you have a container and inside the container you have oil and water. Naturally they do not mix so the bottom half of the container holds the oil, the top half holds the water. The dualisitic approach to existence which we are all accustomed to causes us to see (and choose) from either the oil or the water. The oil can represent gross, material existence and the water represents the less dense, less physical, liquid nature of spirit. 

The spiritual path can lead us to believe that we are not the oil, but we are the water. And in effect this causes us to merely translate oil experiences from the perspective of water (spirit). And there are many who translate water experiences from oil (gross body/mind) perspectives. Either way you determine your experience from where you are relating from. 

So here we have the 2 world modal. Some folks believe to be Water, others believe to be Oil. I am here to tell you that you are NEITHER and BOTH. Yes! Here is the door (and the key) to ultimate freedom from suffering and bondage. You are neither Water (Spirit) or Oil (Body) but that which both arise from and are contained within. So your the clear, glass container that is unaffected by the presence (or lack thereof) of water or oil (or subsequent combinations). 

It is in this place where we become free of the pendulum, free from the rat race, free from the competition and free from any and all requirements. Its done. 


Friday, January 11, 2013

The Birth of a New Human


We are almost a month beyond the time when the world was supposed to experience a "dramatic" shift in its experience. It seems like just another day to most. And in a lot of ways its just more of the same. The world has not gone through some amazing, earth shattering awakening. We are still viewing each other as separate. We are still killing each other. Believing less then idea's about ourselves and about everyone else.  

There is however a subtle current which is catching momentum around the world. A dim light that is illuminating new area's of human awareness. Its subtle, though most Shifts in Consciousness usually are. We don't realize it until we are almost through it. Some of us can see it, can feel its creeping presence deep within us. We look out into the world and see only potential. What seems to be "reality" is no more real to us then a bad dream. And what seems impossible to the general population is a necessary possibility for those who have become conscious of this subtle noumonic transition. 

50 years ago everyone was smoking and drinking on television. You don't see that today. When I was 10 I didn't think of throwing trash on the ground as being something bad. Today I'll carry a piece of trash in my pocket for as long as I need to until I find an appropriate receptical. I bring this up just to highlight how a shift in consciousness occurs. What is common place one day becomes something rare the next. What was thought impossible becomes an everyday thing. Quantum leaps in consciousness translates into more evolved "being-ness" in the world. 

This is happening right now. As you read this your consciousness is shifting to greater capacity and complexity. And the process is so natural that it does not require your conscious participation  (which is why it is so subtle). And this is beautiful because it tells me something specific. And this idea is mostly accepted as a spiritual idea, though I perceive it as just one of the many qualities of the presence of God. 

This natural process of ever evolving consciousness is driven by the governing intelligence of the Universe (God, Spirit, Divinity) and through us is it expressed. We will begin to notice the subtle shifts in thoughts, ideas, behavior, activity, and the nature of our relationships. This process is governed by Law (another natural occurrence of the presence of God), and to quote the Science of Mind; "This law is not respecter of persons" which is to say that regardless of our conscious awareness of this Law it is forever active in our lives.

This bears questioning the effect our presence (from an evolved altitude of consciousness) has on our Brothers and Sisters (Human and Non-Human alike). How is our energy affected by being in a high altitude of awareness? How does our experience of the world change in concert with this shift in consciousness? 

Collapsing Time

There is a factor in this natural process which has the capacity of speeding it up (illusory I know since time is not linear). This factor is, again, a natural occurrence of the presence of God (which is One). Here is a bible quote which alludes to this factor;

"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." - Matthew 18:20

There is greater potency in the gathering of individuals connected by a common thread of awareness which has the capacity to "collapse time" and generate greater awareness amongst any given population. This has also been referred to as the 100th Monkey Phenomena and directs our attention towards the power behind cohesive groups of individuals brought together by a common acceptance of Truth.

As more of us become conscious of this subtle shift in our consciousness (and capacities) we will come together in new ways that at the core birth new avenues of expression and awakening for our fellow Brother's and Sisters. I've referred to Homo Universalis as having the qualities of a Key Maker. Basically, each of us through our practice and subsequent awakening are creating more and more potentials and possibilities for more of humanity to shift into this subtle consciousness which is emerging. 

If this process were not thus then it may take another 14 billion years for life to evolve to the next great stage. We are beyond this point though. We have moved into what has been called Conscious Evolution which at its heart is merely a recognition of the natural process I have been describing through out this article. Quantum leaps are a natural part of nature. They seem to be "unrelated" jumps in capacity however this is illusion generated by the collapse of time created through sharing our experiences. 

Where's the evidence of this? 

Look at our discoveries, technologies, powers, and tools. And look how they emerged. Phones, televisions, video games, the Internet. All of these have been born from the natural motivation to collapse time through sharing. 

Whats next?

The big question on people's mind is what's next? Well our civilization has been founded on an agenda which was apocalyptic in nature. We were always racing towards some illusory endpoint. And that point has been reached. And nothing really happened. Just more of the same. 

Though it does not have to be more of the same. We can become conscious of this process we are eternally connected with (Conscious Evolution) and start choosing new pathways and avenues to grow and express ourselves, together. We can collectively design an Evolutionary Agenda which illustrates a powerful affirmation for a glorious future (shared experience) and intelligent means in which it can be made manifest in our world, NOW. 

And I really feel that this is what we are doing, whether we know it or not. We are making new changes in our lives on an individual level and this is causing a shift in our relationships which ultimately affects the collective we are all a part. Know that through consciously participating in this natural process will assist in the collapsing of time so that the future we all have shared in vision and excitement can be ours right here, right now. 


One and the Same

"Would it be possible for you to hate your Brother if you were like him? Could you attack him if you realized  you journey with him, to a goal that is the same?"
- ACIM Chapter 24 - The Goal of Specialness pp.501

The fundamental illusion that we each have fallen victim to is the predominant illusion generated by the presence of our Body-Mind. This is the illusion of Separateness and is the direct cause to why the world is experienced the way that it is. 

In ACIM, Jesus shares insightful wisdom in regards to healing this illusory belief in our minds so that we may experience the Truth of our being and by proxy the Truth of our Brothers. When we ask ourselves why the world is the way it is we must be careful not to project blame onto the world itself. This would be the ego's way of maintaining the separation between us all. Instead we must be mindful of where we are looking from when observing the world. 

What is our mental/emotional status? Do we have stock in the world? Do we need it to be a certain way? To provide for us specific experiences? Specific opportunities?

In the above quote, Jesus makes it clear that any animosity or hatred we have towards our Brothers is being generated by a simple lack of understanding of who we are and who are Brother is. In truth we are not caught in a Maelstrom of competition and violence with our Brothers. We are together here to walk each other home.. "to journey with him, to a goal that is the same..".

Enter into this place of stillness and view your Brother through eyes of Love. Through eyes of God. And in this place, as you look from Truth, the world will begin to Glow. It will shine back to you the Love of God of which you have chosen to see the world through. Here we will see a great plan unfolding of which every living thing is a part. 

I offer a prayer; 

In this moment I release all sense of separation and enter into the stillness and peace of God. We are One. There are no parts greater or lesser then another part. There are no parts at all. We shine as One. We Live as One. We Learn as One. 

I extend this peace of mind to all Sons of God so that they too may recognize and understand their truest nature. I remain open and loving so that all Sons of God may know that they are infinitely loved by God, through me. I forgive myself for any and all moments in which this was not expressed. I forgive all Sons of God for the same. Nothing we choose to do can change the truth of who and what I am. No false idea can change or alter Truth. 

Nothing real can be threatened; Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God. 
