Thursday, September 27, 2012

Naked I AM

 Naked I am

Resting peacefully in a quiet slumber
Floating with dreams fast asleep

stillness beyond form as I hover
slight movements from breath as we breathe

observing this body, connected lover
a body we share cannot define we

awareness diminished, adjusting covers
forgetting life, beyond what is seen

eyes open wide, to chirps and flutter
a day of life through divine remembering

I am naked, naked I am

left the body behind, cannot take it where I go
for where I reside, only I can truly know

set out on this journey, yearning with an urge
flirting with oblivion as I let the shadows burn

There is no sound, nothing for me to see
No colors to touch, no conflict to free

Joined in the empty my presence cannot fill
One with each point, the sanctuarys still

I bring to the father what the father has given
nothing and everything 

I am naked, naked I am

Grimm & Tabby

Love Goddess; Exposed

“As WE begin to Evolve, so does the language we practice.”

I have noticed the growing number of article and blog posts, touching on the subject:
What and Who a Goddess truly is?

I am excited to share personal ideas and concepts surrounding this theme that seems to be growing within Social and Spiritual exchanges. I am completely open to communication based on this topic.

I thought I would take the initiative and GOOGLE the programmed definition of the word. {Goddess: A female Deity, a woman who is adored especially for her beauty.}

This definition, sugar coated with some pretty words and a beautiful picture of a specific body type, seems to fit the generic impression based on a collective idea on What and Who a Goddess is. I have noticed through comments and open communication that THIS concept is vastly changing and expanding, noticed by both genders. However, boxes still remain.

Throughout the hands of time, the female form has been adored by others. Many years ago a “Goddess” was claimed to have a more “curvy and voluptuous” build. This idea had been contorted somewhere in history, “Goddess” then became a female with a “slender” build. Both concepts merely shedding all focus on the physical form.

 I can only speculate the unseen actions of a Mythical deity beyond the times we are currently in.  

A little over a year ago, I was blessed with an opportunity to partake in a liberating course that would allow me to view my life and the Self much differently. I was exposed to a whole new way of thinking that allowed a shift within to occur. I delved into the depths of Mysticism. I   became proficient in connecting with Source, thus expanding my awareness beyond the mere “little I.”  

I FELT the connection with my inner Goddess.

I believe:

“A Love Goddess is a Woman who is unlearning who she really is. She allows the unfolding of Self awareness to occur naturally within her, expanding in all areas of her life. She is beautiful beyond the measurements of the physical realm and cares deeply for ALL. A Goddess breaks through the chains that kept her tied to any falsehoods and illusions. She is constantly growing and learning who she is on all levels. She is loving, compassionate and nurturing. She experiences life in physical form to fully understand that she is in fact Love itself and through her demonstrations, her purpose is being fulfilled. A Goddess understands deeply that who she is, is not a body. She has a body and views her form as a temple and treats it as such. A Goddess appears through all body types. Never excluding or relating to the importance of a specific type of form. One may forget they are in truth a Goddess of Love, this happens when One clings to identity. Balance between Mind, Body and Spirit unlock the great potential found deep within her. A Goddess is in tune with nature and all living creatures. She lives life in deep gratitude. Her smile ties all of these words in truth. When a Goddess of Love is smiling, that is her way in showing the world Who she truly is.”

This came through ME.

A year ago I had adopted the name Tabby Love Goddess. I had awoken the Goddess within ME. This can be shared and explained through personal experience. I feel that this “updated” definition of a Love Goddess fits the design perfectly of this new way in which I choose to consciously live my life and see myself.

We are ALL Gods and Goddesses alike.

We ALL carry the potential to unlock the magnificence deep within us.

It is a personal experience that may be shared.

There is no right way, or no wrong way.

There merely IS THE WAY!

“I am not this body, I have this body”

Such insight has changed my life.

I am Love itself, and demonstration is my Gift to you

Sincerely, Tabby Love Goddess

You Are Complete

I breath into this moment and recognize that the fullness of God, the perfection of Spirit, and the Abundance of Life exists here and now as me and through me. I release all thoughts and ideas of separation knowing full well that this Universe is a Whole. There are no parts. 

I look out into the world and see only the fullness of God reflected back at me. I hold this perfect vision so that it may be expressed. The miracle of life and love may find demonstration through me. I open myself to be a vehicle for Divinities grace in the world. There is no fear.

I have nothing I must do to be who and what I am. I am complete in my being and I accept this truth so it may emerge from the depths of my soul and be shared with all the Kosmos. I know that the thoughts of perfection and divinity which I hold in my mind can be felt and heard by all beings in the Universe for we all share of the One, Infinite Mind of God. 

All ideas and beliefs about life are false to the extent that they bring me away from my center.  Truth is ever present and I release all thoughts and remain focused on the eternal moment where the Truth is revealed. I find only Love. I find only light. This is Truth.

I extend blessings and peace to all the world. I hold in my heart perfect Love and in my mind perfect vision and extend it to all the minds and hearts forever connected as One. My body remains fully connected with the Tree of Life and I accept the gifts of its fruit as they manifest as abundance, harmony, grace, peace, and perfect health. 

I know that I reside in the Kingdom always and seek only to reveal its presence in the lives of all those I encounter. May my blessings reach them and heal them of false thoughts and words. May they too accept the Kingdom, here and now. 

I release these words into the eternal Law and know that my perfect vision is shared.

And so it is


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"Slippery Conditions may Exist"

Photo: Grimm

"Let Go. Let God."

When we are coming from the personality which is generated from a lack of awareness of how reality is created and perceived we are firmly seated in the local self or 'Ego'. And its when we are in this mode of being that we find "Slippery Conditions" or "Impossible Situations". We are lead to false conclusions that we combat and testify against which permits it conditions to remain and return. 

There is a current, a flow to the Universe and its Evolution. When we exist in harmony with this current then we are firmly in our power and extend the grace, abundance, and beauty which is the foundation of existence itself. When we exist in conflict with this flow then we are laying a foundation of "ice" which only seems stable but in fact will be our fall into suffering and fear. When we deny that life is perfect by its own volition we are choosing to make our our "plan" about life. We attempt a Hi-jack of reality and desperately input the context of our own design. 

We do this because we have built up beliefs and idea's within our mind that we define as being important or integral to our "happiness". And the Divine intelligence of the Universe simply does not agree. We are free to create from such false perspectives though God has no interest in maintaining our illusions and reminds us of life's true nature constantly through the effects of our false causes; suffering. 

Through letting go of our made up idea's about life and allowing some elasticity to our beliefs and perceptions we will begin to see how what we truly want we already have! If we are not currently experiencing this abundance then "ask and ye shall receive". We call it into our experience through the faculty of our thoughts. We repel it the same way. And we will continue to repel it when we hold the belief that we can only get it from something outside of us. 

When we approach others and build relationships we are either building them on the foundation of Truth or we are building a house of cards founded in a quid- pro- quo modality. And we all know that when we approach anyone in life as if something is absent within us and we need them to fill it the relationship deteriorates quickly. This is so simply because what we seek after we already possess and we are to merely give it away to create more of it. This is extension. We give it away and the recipient recognizes it existing within them already and becomes equally compelled to give it away. Then the equation transforms from give-take into give-give, a truly win/win scenario. 

Aum ♥

Process of Projection

"What we perceive co-arises simultaneously with what we project"

"To change the world we must first change ourselves"

Think of yourself as a projector and everything you experience, see, feel, or interact with as what your projecting. This is the mode of experience shared by the majority of humanity. Now entertain the thought of someone (like yourself) waking up from this subtle, dream like state and consciously observing what is being projected, the process of projection itself, and most importantly what we are projecting on.

These three variable modes of awareness are what lead us to a Universal contextual field in which our intelligence surrounding existence, creation, and experience expands and instigates an entirely different world-view to emerge. Lets take a look together and see what it is we find.

First we have the projection itself. This aspect of consciousness is directly related with the world-view we currently hold to be true. This is a conglomerate of paradigms, emotional matrices, life meanings, and cognitive limits. This translates into the archetype we embed over our reality and determines the nature of our experience. This is where the "veil" can be said to arise or the subtle co-arising of observer and observed.  Its in between this space of experience where we catch a glimpse of our creative potency.

Moving into an awareness of this subtle space is the catalyst of transformation and shifting into the driver seat of our experiences. Doing so requires a quiet mind free of distractions and chatter so that we can release the grip of the mind and soften its diligence of applying meaning, judgments, and identity. 

From this we ascend to an awareness of greater subtlety when we open to the process of projection itself. We ask the important question; who or what is projecting? This inquiry of self leads us to determine that we are in fact not what we are projecting yet are responsible for how we experience the projection. We develop a more authentic relationship with our nature as creators of these projections and our reactions to them. 
This altitude of awareness  seg-ways into another question; what happens if we don't project? 

In everyday experience this question is rarely asked little own recognized as valid. How could we not project. Well this is in fact the "Wake Up" that's talked about. This is your mythological enlightenment. Once projection ceases and we directly look at what we were projecting on, the true nature of Reality emerges into our awareness. We are in the world but the world is not in us. We hold no meaning, no identity, no judgments, no limitations. We are empty. This is not oblivion. In fact this stage of awareness co-arises with an infinite fullness that can hardly be imagined. 

There is such abundance in this mode of experience and being that joy and fulfillment is a natural extension of Reality itself. Extension is how life generates and expands. Its how consciousness makes its quantum leaps into greater creativity, spontaneity, complexity and form. Our very presence as human beings is little more then the extension of an already infinite and fully present beauty and Love which births all of creation. 

With this realization we are brought to the "feet of God" where unification of Observer/Observed manifests as an understanding of Reality. Extension of the fullness of the Universe into every piece and particle. Each particle equally full and present with the wholeness of the Love-Beauty which births it. And through us is this extension fulfilled when we join in consciousness, join in Love, join in abundance and say yes to the perfect beauty of Life itself.

Aum ♥

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Subtle

As we continue this journey I refer to as "Emergence", each of us are becoming more susceptible to the greater vision of Reality.  Through meditation we can catch glimpses of the governing dimensions of being. We become consciously aware of the subtle dynamic of creation and more importantly the infinite canvas which all form and experience rises from.

To illustrate the nature of this 'blossoming' I am going to use the presence of Electricity and its presence demonstrated through a light bulb. I am also going to refer to a word known as Xeper, which means more or less "to come into being". Together I will attempt to give a clear picture of the process of creation in concert with the creator --> created modality. 

We can agree that Electricity has always been and only through its discovery have we been able to harness it for our benefit. When we flip on a switch we direct this field of electricity into a bulb which provides light. We did not create the electricity nor did we create the light. The electricity ALWAYS is and the light is an aspect of its nature. 

So too with our creation AND experience of life we are directing that which is always present into a particular way to demonstrate a form which manifests a particular nature of Reality. For example, by holding in our mind thoughts of abundance, joy, and peace we are "flipping a switch" which focuses the ever present good of life into a form (collaboration, unity, sustainability) which is then demonstrated through our experiences. If we were to focus our mind on lack, limitation, and fear we would be flipping a switch that focuses the same infinite field into a different form which is then expressed through our experiences. 

This field is neutral, causative, and holographic. 

It may seem at times that what is proceeding as experience in our life is being caused by something physical, something outside of us, something beyond our control. This conflict is resolved when we fuse all the aspects of creation into one thing. The process of electricity/ light bulb / light co-arises together in a wonderful tapestry of creation. What I am attempting to convey is that in this equation there is an Effect which can be turned off, and a cause that is always on.

Evolution is Xeper. Who and what we really are exists in this field of infinite mind which all our talents, gifts, inspirations, personality, and form arise from. And where it all eventually returns. When we go into stillness through meditation and prayer we are releasing ourselves from the constraints of these variety of forms and step into a dimension of emptiness where all potential and possibility exist. And as one we are each moving into this space where transmission of our greatest yet to be can occur (Xeper) and be expressed. 


Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Greater WE

After listening to Ken Wilber discuss a growing issue within the integral community I began to realize that this issue is occurring globally in every city and community that is shifting towards a more spiritual more sustainable modality of being in the world. Ken describes that we've begun a process of creating many 'small WE groups' which hold the intention of the world at large but seem to be only participating within the group they attribute themselves to. 

The small 'differences' between philosophy, modality, or principal seems to divide us in practice yet we hold in consciousness a common, unified vision. Yet if we cannot come together in practice, demonstrating our Unity, then how different are we really being in the world? What is it going to take for us to solidify our intention with our demonstration? Any wise man will tell you that our combined efforts will have a much greater impact in how this world and life on it shifts then non-concerted efforts. 

And I understand that because of the nature of what we are exploring here, that individual or even micro-collectives will have differing experiences of the causal and subtle dimensions of experience. And I feel that the solution lies in us coming together within the only common playing field there is; the Heart. 

You've heard me use the term psychic stream more then once and I'd like to propose a thought in how we can maintain individualistic paradigms grown from personal experience of the subtle realms of being yet hold fast to the collective psychic stream in which we are all participating within. And the purpose for this is to come together as a Global WE, consciously recognizing the spontaneity and beauty of our personal demonstrations while simultaneously harmonizing with the greater truth of our Unity and Vision. 

I feel that each of our own expressions in this world hold a great beauty. Maintaining this beauty is paramount because it honors the expression of humanity. Yet we are NOT humanity. We are before physicality. Before expression and form. Before all that was created. Before the Universe. Combining both form and the formless has always seemed a feat well beyond the capabilities of a mere mortal man (or woman). Though, we are not mere mortals. We are the Universe in Person. Together we exist as the ONE IN THE MANYAnd expressing this, demonstrating this, and living this puts us all at the control panel of this INFINITE power.

I hold the One in my prayers. I recognize that regardless of the form it may take, that its the only thing looking through all of our eyes. And from this recognition I sink into the glory of who and what I really am and seek to share this reality with all of you.

Aum ♥

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Creative Principal

The Creative Principal

"We should daily affirm that new ideas are coming to us, new ways of doing things; that we are meeting new and wonderful friends, new situations; that joyous things are going to happen to us. The Creative Principle is always reacting to us as we act in It. It is always creating in our bodies and our affairs. Consequently, we should all learn to live in a state of joyous and enthusiastic expectancy. This is the principle upon which faith and the answer to prayer are based."  - Ernest Holmes

Each of us are eternally engaged with the creative dynamic of the Kosmos and are bringing to life the Universe with each thought, word and action. There is never NOT a time when we are not creating. The reality of our creations is never insubstantial. Even the most subtle thought has the potential to become a governing paradigm. A moment of our attention has the power to transform the reality we perceive. And as we all share in the one mind do we also share the infinitude of thoughts and dreams, feelings and idea's, genius and inspiration. 

As localized expressions of Divinity we have within us the capacity to hold perfect vision within our mind and this attention focuses awareness in such a way that all the world is touched by its positive and expansive nature. Never believe that prayer goes un-answered for each thought and feeling is creative. We must only be mindful in the method of prayer. Never supplicate. Appreciate. Know that here and now all is perfect and whole. Know in your heart and mind that you have arrived. You are home. This moment is the apex of the journey. Be with it.

We have joined together during a monumental shift in the world. Everything is changing, and is doing so at the most subtle levels of being. Know that the thoughts you hold about life, spirit, God, and faith has direct effects on the course this shift takes.  Knowing that our thoughts, words and actions are creative let us choose, as ONE, an experience of life that demonstrates wholeness, excellence, Love and Compassion. Let us release the grip we have on the old and embrace the emerging beauty of Spirits genius in our lives. 

Today's Affirmation

I breath into the awareness of life's perfection and embrace its infinite bounty. I recognize the One mind which is shared by all of creation and release any thoughts of separation or otherness. I am Love itself. I am spirit both infinite and free. 

I recognize my purpose here is to illuminate the Divine reality which is eternal and Fully present. There are no parts. There is no space. I ignite my heart with the flame of Gods Love and with it light up the dark. My acceptance of Gods love heals my body and mind which I extend to my brothers and sisters. 

All is perfect. All is complete. 

And so it is! 


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Conscious Evolution

Conscious Evolution

As we proceed through the year 2012, a year which is surrounded in mystery and auspiciousness, each of us in our own individual lives are experiencing monumental shifts in consciousness. Our lives are becoming clear reflections of Spiritual Truths as we dissolve false identities and beliefs and embrace the resonate field of our true selves. Indeed, life has its challenges but we are choosing to face and move through them with a purified heart and mind. This literally reduces them to mere 'shadows' in the light of our Divine being.

In the last 3-4 weeks my own life has become nothing short of a crystalline lens which has begun focusing the mind of God in all my thoughts, words, and activity. I've experienced numerous occasions where the "One mind" we all share has been demonstrated through non-verbal communication and strokes of genius of which I cannot claim authorship. Each of these experiences are very profound and each of us are experiencing them with both greater degree and consistency. The 'Noosphere' is emerging through each of us and the less we hold on to of the 'old world' the more birth we give it to manifest in the new world. 

So where will this "Conscious Evolution" lead?

I envision millions of small communities coming together in both purpose and passion. Each member of said community upholding their individuality yet fully conscious of the One Mind of God which peers through all of our eyes. The core pillars of spiritual truth becoming common knowledge, much like gravity, and are living in concert with in our everyday activities. Sustainable Living, Brother/Sisterhood, the Development and Cultivation of greater spiritual and psychic faculties. 

The Christ that we are is being born into the world like never before. There will not be just one of us who chooses to embrace Divinity. It will be a shift within ALL OF US. And just like  the 52 Trillion cells which work in perfect harmony and resonance to materialize our physical form, the 8 billion human beings and countless animals, plants and insects which populate Gaia will come together and give rise to the META MAN. A super-organism that we can only scarcely imagine and will be our next' vehicle' of experience in this Universe.

The more of us who consciously choose Unity over Separation not because of some lofty spiritual goal but because of the sheer motivation of the Universal Current in which we move into concert with, the more this super organism will emerge and manifest. Expect to see wondrous feats of human potential arise within our populations, within your own life. Accept within your mind that this is very possible and that it is happening here and now!

There is a reason that we can only make it through this together. It is because in truth, we are only and truly, ONE.

Aum ♥