Saturday, January 11, 2014

Deliberate Design

This is going to be a continuation from my previous post, because I felt that there is some other points that need to be touched on when it comes to designing our life.

Of course, there is a lot of people who don't think of their lives as being designed at all. Instead, life is merely an inconsistent stream of happenstance and exterior events outside the realm of control. This type of a mindset can keep a person in the same cycle of experiences, well, for their entire life. 

When I say that we design our life, I mean it literally. So the obvious question becomes How do we design our life? Well the Truth is you are ALWAYS designing your life, because the tools we use to design it are ALWAYS ON. 

Think about it. What is something that you are always doing?

Its not eating. Or sleeping. I'd hope for most, its not talking.

The one thing we are ALWAYS doing is Thinking. 

Thinking leads to a whole series of internal events (that become expressed outwardly), but all Cause lies in Mind and what we are thinking. You may have even heard this before (its not NEW information), but it may very well be in your own life.

So another question emerges.

Are we thinking deliberately?

Seems like an odd question, I mean, have we ever just stopped and thought deliberately. Usually thoughts come and go, seemingly, of their own volition. It isn't like we have much control over the whole thing. Well we do, and the DESIGN that is inherent in the Universe places all the power (and responsibility) of our experiences squarely in our personal domain, under our personal control. The name of that power?


There is an amazingly simple way of taking the controls over our life, so that it reflects our Deliberate DesignConscious Evolution is about shifting from merely a BodyMind/Ego who is a victim of circumstance to the very Essence of our Spirit, which is all powerful, ever present, and Divinely Inspired by the Mind of God.

I'll give you a tidbit to chew on, (while the Ebook that highlights all the different ways to DESIGN WITH LIGHT is being completed).

Ask yourself these three questions;

What am I aware of right now? 
What am I thinking?
What am I feeling? 

Revisit these questions DAILY. Reflect on the answers. Be conscious of whats going on within you. Build on your conscious participation with life. 

Catch ya on the flip side!


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