Thursday, January 9, 2014

Healing through Communication

It has been a repeating lesson in my life that to maintain a healthy relationship with ANYONE, there has to be a space for open, and authentic communication. Whether the relationship is with another person, with yourself, or with creature from the other kingdoms of life. There is no separation. We are One.

I recently came across a video that recounts an amazing experience between Anna, whom is a highly developed telepath that communicates with animals, uncovering the trauma they have experienced and aiding them in the healing process.

This video is only a segment from a much longer documentary, but is powerful none the less.
While watching it, try to release the idea's of separation that may exist in your mind about animals and mankind. Behind the form lies a singular consciousness, the I in the midst of us, as Joel Goldsmith would say. We are ONE, and this video offers demonstration of that.

The truth lies behind the eye, deep within our soul.
No conflict has the space to rise, when we see that we are Whole.


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