So things are coming along with my platform idea's (With Light Design). Working on a landing page, and in the process have been faced with some very interesting decisions. I'll admit, at first, I was somewhat influenced by the idea of marketing this platform using a cliche'd "WE CAN HELP YOU" design. After a few mock ups, it just didn't sit with my soul.
So I sat down with legal pad and pen, and love-stormed a more thorough outline of what this platform is going to be about, what type of services I will provide, will I work with a team, and how will it all look?
Suffice to say that I become quite INSPIRITED, and what has come through is very exciting. And no, I will not be revealing anything here, so you'll just have to wait until the landing page is complete and published online. That is if I can find someway to register my domain. That is a whole other story, and I am holding thoughts of surety that ALL IS DONE.
One of the prominent themes with developing this platform/business has been how our lives are designed, and the degree of conscious participation we take in designing our lives. Whether you want to admit it or not, your life reflects the design you have accepted as being True for you. So if life is reflecting to you negativity, what kind of design have you internalized?
Self-reflection has been such an important role in my own development. Without it I would not be where I am today. Most if not all conflict is inner conflict. Recognizing this through reflection will lead you to greater Awareness, which allows one to utilize their Intelligence to develop their Engagement with life.
Whoops... there goes some of the Design Essentials. Well, chew on that for a bit.
Richest Blessings!
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