Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Should we set intentions for 2014?

So here we are, the last day of 2013. 

Upon reflecting on what has happened during the year 2013, I can say that there is no possible way I could have planned ANY of it. There has been such a wide array of blessings, challenges, and shifts that most of my intentions or resolutions either didn't come to pass, or took on a much greater form then I had initially imagined.

And now that its time to make a whole new set of intentions, I am brought to a pause. Perhaps deciding upon resolutions is not what I should be doing. Perhaps I need to be focused on activation. 

Allow me to expand. Setting a resolution is, by its very nature, placing intention or vision into the future. Its saying, "This is what I hope to accomplish, as 2014 proceeds". Now, there is nothing inherently wrong with that, but given my experience in life, setting intentions never pans out the way I intend. So instead, I am moved to make tonight about activating a greater awareness, a more full sense of being, a more harmonious experience with my loved ones, and bring those energies into the birth of a new year. 

I recently came across a new word for my vocabulary; entelechy, which was coined in the Aristotelian philosophy as meaning the "the realized potential of some thing or concept". In other words, the rose in full bloom is the entelechy of its seed. Our higher self is the entelechy of our local self. 

Bearing this in mind, I feel it is appropriate to activate my own entelechy or higher self at the beginning of 2014, rather then just make a to-do list. The reason is that we really don't know what the coming year will bring for us, although holding in consciousness our greatest good each day is intrinsic to creating an avenue for its expression, bringing forth what is eternally True in the here and now is essential in its expression. 

Therefore, tonight, let us not reflect on the year past and create a mere list of things we wish to accomplish. Instead let us make a declaration to the Universe that what we Activate here and now is what we wish to bring with us throughout the entirety of 2014. It doesn't have to be elaborate, but ensure there is a powerful and clear vision you choose to embody now so that each day you can return to it if you've lost focus for a moment.

You may want to meditate and pray, calling forth the entelechy of your being to have expression in this moment, and declare to life that this is who and what I am, and what I choose to create this day forward. We must not forget the power behind our words and through activating our higher self we bring the entirety of the kosmos to bear on those words. 


Does emotion effect our body? Apparently, BIG TIME.

I was doing my morning news search, looking for inspiration for different topics, and an article on Gizmodo caught my eye. Apparently, researchers from Finland have been able to visually map where emotions express themselves in the body. 

Where Emotions Hit You, Visualized
Photo Source: http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/19b38w32meciopng/ku-xlarge.png


What struck me as most interesting is the focus all of these emotions seem to have around the heart. Obviously, the heart has always corresponded with the "feeling center" of the body, but not on a physical level. In metaphysics, when we refer to the "heart center", we rarely mean the actual heart, but more accurately mean the center of our subtle self. 

From this photo, we can discern some very important information about how our emotions effect us physically, which can lead to a greater understanding of how our mental and emotional states have a direct influence on our health.

For example, Happiness is a full body experience. It literally touches every part of the body with a glowing warmth. In an article from Science Daily, researches followed over 5,000 university students for 40 years, and determined that the individuals who were less then optimistic as students seem to die earlier then their "happy" counterparts. This reveals that maintaining a positive mind/emotional state leads to longevity and better, overall health.


Taking a look at the visual of depression, we see that the body is almost complete void of the same brilliance that is expressed when we are happy, and instead is made up primarily of the cold blue. From what I understand, brighter colors mean warmth, bluer colors represent cold. In a state of depression, it would seem that the revitalizing warmth of contentment is vacant. What kind of effects might this have on our health? 

In most cases, depression is linked with a lack of self-esteem either enforced by the self, or by those around us. It has spawned an entire generation of people who are forced to take medication just to remain productive within society. Of course, this should not be the aim of medicine, but that's a topic for another time. It does reveal that society is not designed to fulfill happiness, but to keep it perpetually out of reach so that we always have something to chase.

There is also a great deal of evidence that suggests that depression can and does lead to thoughts and acts of suicide. It as if the vitalizing force (expressed as brilliant light) is inactive in the body, much like being cut off from the "tree of life", sapping our will to live. Altogether, this reveals more evidence that how we think about our lives has a direct impact on how we experience our life.


If we take a look at the picture which shows the body as neutral, we find that both the brilliance of happiness AND the cold, blue of depression is not present. This raises a whole new set of questions, such as is "neutral" considered the natural state of the body? Should we not strive for happiness, and instead journey towards a state of perpetual neutrality? 

I suppose it depends on who you ask, but in popular spiritual circles, the concept of Non-Duality is perceived as the natural state of existence, or the basis from which all noumena and phenomena emerge. But does non-duality correspond with neutrality? And if so, does this mean that the universe is primarily neutral to how life expresses? To quote Ernest Holmes, 
The Universe is impersonal. It gives alike to all. It is no respecter of persons. It values each alike. Its nature is to impart, ours to receive. - Science of Mind
There is many different ways to interpret this information. We can say that the brilliant light of happiness can activate greater inspiration and creativity, while depression may suppress those same qualities. Neutrality may be seen as a state of inactive activity, or in other words, we are not being propelled by either emotion or thought, and are centered in a place of stillness. Or perhaps, neutrality is a receding from both emotional connection or mental projection? 

I suppose you can take from this what you want, and I would love to hear some thoughts on what this might mean for future understandings of how thoughts and emotions may impact our overall health.


Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Global Planetary Shift

A global shift in consciousness is not something that most people talk about, or are even aware of in a general sense. It's not a topic that gets put in front of world leaders very often, if ever at all. Such a phenomena seems to only exist within the minds of an emergent population of people who have, in one way or another, been exposed to these kind of idea's.

Exposure to it may have seemed like happenstance at first, but as time moves on, happenstance gives way to synchronicity, and accident inevitably succumbs to cause and effect. As more and more people begin to take a closer look at life, and the questions life pose, it becomes ever more evident that something very dramatic is occurring in the unseen realms of consciousness and its many expressions.

Last year, there was a very large event that took place all around the world. It was called Birth 2012, hosted and administrated by Stephen Dinan and Barbara Marx Hubbard, including their whole team over at the Shift Network. They provided a platform and framework for millions of people around the world to join together to celebrate what Barbara coined “the Birth of a Universal Humanity”.

I personally took part in this event, and working with a team, we coordinated a similar yet smaller gathering in Toronto. The event was a success overall, considering it was the first one I had participated in of such a magnitude, and it gave way to a year of intense transformations and insight. I am very grateful to have been exposed to the idea's of Conscious Evolution, which Barbara and many others have assisted in sharing around the world.

An exact year from that event, on December 22nd 2013, the Shift Network hosted an online summit of many of the same leaders of the preceding Birth event, to talk about what has begun to emerge since then. I was also present for most of this event (except for the very last bit), and was able to take some notes on what was shared. I will attempt to outline some of what was brought forward, but will really try to focus on detailing some of the important concepts that are inherent with this Planetary Shift in Consciousness, for those of you who are being exposed to these types of idea's for the first time.

What is “Conscious Evolution”

It seems only fair to start with a brief outline of how conscious evolution is defined, to establish a coherent understanding for the following material.

“Conscious evolution refers to humanity’s new ability to choose what the species Homo Sapiens becomes in the future. This new ability is based on recent advancements in science, medicine, technology, psychology, sociology, and spirituality. Conscious evolution places human beings at the crest of the ongoing evolution of the universe, providing a larger perspective of human potentials “ - Wikipedia

Barbara Marx Hubbard expands on this definition on her website Foundations for Conscious Evolution by adding;

“Conscious Evolution: The evolution of evolution from unconscious to conscious choice as humans gain powers of co-destruction and co-creation. The natural capacity of a universal species to co evolve with nature and co-create with Spirit.”

The implications of Conscious Evolution shine a ray of hope on a world that seems to be spiraling into chaos and self-destruction. In the midst of all this dis-order and collapse, Conscious Evolution reminds us that extinction is not inevitable, its a choice, and one we make consciously or unconsciously.

And just as we can choose to ignore the plenitude of signs that the way we operate in the world on both an individual and collective level is not working, we can just as easily choose to change our ways, and become vehicles for radical social and spiritual transformation, and prevent the extinguishing of the light of our species from the planet.

This emerging new world view (which is really a Cosmic view, because it includes the entire Universe in its framework) does not omit a single area or sphere of human activity and experience. Every nook and cranny of human society is included when talking about Conscious Evolution, from the judicial system, education, the environment, infrastructure, and spirituality.

I think this is one of the reasons why Conscious Evolution is so attractive. Beyond it being a real hope for humanity to pull ourselves out of the spiraling darkness of ignorance we find ourselves in, we can instead choose to consciously evolve every facet of our lives, regardless of the sphere we directly influence. In other words, it doesn't matter if you teach history, work in a factory, or are a politician in congress, conscious evolution says you are always at choice in how you show up in your life.

There are particular area's that the most recent summit touched on, and each one is integral in its own right. I would like to take some time to touch on each of the subjects that were addressed, and perhaps add a little insight of my own.

Rise of the Divine Feminine

As an important aspect of the overall evolution of our planet and its structures, the Rise of the Divine feminine represents liberation from the suppression of archaic beliefs and ideologies which are still present on our planet. These beliefs and ideologies were the product of a male dominated civilization, that view woman as a less then specimen of the human race, unworthy of respect, opportunity, and compassion.

Even today, if you look around in mainstream media and politics, woman are still being forced into the small boxes of identity which have been imposed for far too long. How a woman is supposed to look, dress, and feel about themselves is made up of cultural stories that are centuries old, and that only reflect an unwillingness to let go of the un-evolved beliefs about the value of woman and the inherent female qualities which find expression through them.

Evidence of this rise can be seen in many different spheres of human society, such as the workplace and home. Woman are no longer feeling forced into the “Mother/Nurturer” archetype that has been their assumed designation, instead feeling the freedom to follow career paths and lifestyles typically thought of as belonging solely to the sphere of men.

However, we are not just discussing the rise of the feminine in society, the focus is the Divine Feminine. So whats the difference? Well, we can see that woman are taking on new and different roles within society, but are they bringing with them the inherent qualities that stood out in the mother/nurture roles they previously stuck too? Or are they succumbing to the influence of the archaic warrior/tribal archetypes of which men are usually associated?

The Divine Feminine is about a spiritual energy, an evolutionary narrative which encompasses a more whole systems approach to evolution that bridges the gap between genders, races, nations, and spirituality. There is a powerful vibration of which the Divine Feminine is attributed, and anyone who has journeyed within and discovered this energy will tell you that it has the capacity of opening deep area's of the mind and heart, paving the way for powerful transformation and healing.

It can also be said that the rise of the divine feminine is about bringing greater equality into a dysfunctional world in desperate need of greater compassion and wholeness if it is to make it out of the downward spiral we find ourselves. Its no secret that the world has been led and controlled by patriarchal ideologies, and with the rise of the Divine feminine, these structures are beginning to give way to a more advanced and evolved version of human society.

And whats also very important is that this rise has just as much to do with men as it does with woman. Never before have so many men embraced and surrendered to the powerful feminine energies that have been suppressed for countless centuries. Most of how society has been formed and governed is a direct result of this suppression, and as more woman open to the nature of these energies, they are becoming way showers for men to do the same.

Feminine qualities which were at first seen as signs of weakness are becoming increasingly associated with qualities of spiritual strength and integrity. As more men are finding acceptance within themselves to feel and express emotions, the divide which has been created by these “differences” between men and woman are disappearing, allowing for greater co-creative capacities and holistic expressions.

The world is in need of a heavy dose of feminine energies and qualities. Its time for men to reflect on what cultural stories they are being told and believing in, so that an inner space can be allowed for a more fuller expression of our spiritual constitution can be made.

The Co-Creative Masculine

In concert with the rise of the divine feminine, many men are being shown how the qualities of their masculinity has been misused and misrepresented in human society. Typically, men are forced into the small confines of the “Warrior/Tribe Leader” archetypes, which include negative emotions like anger and jealousy (a result of true emotions be suppressed), characteristics such as control, dominance, aggressiveness, and competition.

As more men are feeling free to let go of these old archetypes, a greater capacity for true relationships with woman emerge. Throughout the course of history, boys were growing up to fulfill the demands of the Warrior/Tribe Leader archetype, and this created a vast divide between men and woman. Men felt compelled to dominate woman, and suppress their feminine qualities which seemed to directly oppose the ideologies men thought were natural for them to inherit.

While men begin to let go of the "old roles" they are used to living within, they are becoming more free to embrace a new type of relationship with woman as well as with themselves. A new quality of experience in the lives of men is opening up, as more men open their hearts and minds to the co-creative potential that exists with woman, through the re-defining of masculinity and what it means to be a man.

To quote Barbara from the Planetary Birthday summit;

"Evolution of the masculine encourages the love for the feminine". 

This is a powerful statement. We are shifting into an era where the qualities of the Divine feminine are being highlighted as strengths rather then dismissed as weaknesses, and these qualities are finding expression in the lives of men around the world. This creates a harmonious stream of communication between men and woman, allowing for greater understanding, synergy, and co-creation.

On a collective level, the patriarchal structures which have dominated our world for so long are falling apart, due to no longer reflecting what humanity considers true. Of course there will be resistance, however the more men and woman who break free from these outdated archetypes and belief structures, the more we can all integrate a more balanced and holistic expression of life on the planet.

Birthing a Global Culture of Oneness

This seems to be the real creamy center of the Shift Movement.

On both an individual and collective level, Global Oneness represents the drastic shift of consciousness many people are experiencing, as the old gives way to the new. Though, what does a global culture of Oneness look like?

One of the key characteristics of Oneness is a stable and coherent platform for communication. And through the advancements of technology, this is no longer a mere possibility, its a reality. The internet has birthed a powerful age of information and sharing, which is assisting in creating this culture of Oneness. The separation of distance and time is no longer a barrier for growth, as information can be shared instantaneously from one side of the earth, to the other.

And with this 'instant' sharing of information, national lines are being blurred, as more and more people are 'letting go' of their national identity’s in favor of their human or global identity. There is a growing feeling of responsibility for the world, rather then just our own backyard. The sense of “Universality” is being birthed out of the decaying sense of isolation and individualism.

There is also a powerful surge of 'unity' forming around the world, as the common discrimination’s that were socially accepted in the past are no longer finding a willing audience. Differences based on gender, sexual orientation, race, and creed are finding greater acceptance in the world, allowing for a greater capacity for compassion, co-creation, and community.

Another area that is experiencing a drastic shift would be the sphere of religion and spirituality. All over the globe, people of differing beliefs and faiths are seeking a common ground for discussion and shared experience. The concept of God and how this divine reality is experienced has birthed a more universal language for expression, allowing for a cultural and societal 'merging' never before seen on Earth.

This 'unification' is the deepening of shared, spiritual experience. A dialogue has opened up to traverse the myriad concepts, personal experiences, and philosophies that each spiritual and religious faith brings to the table, allowing greater collective understanding. Through this universal language, more and more people are given the opportunity to express and experience deeper recesses of their being, which births greater authenticity and creativity in their own, respective lives.

And as more and more people endeavor upon their personal, spiritual journey's, the world is seeing more spiritual and cultural leaders stepping up to help guide their brothers and sisters of humanity during these interesting, and sometimes turbulent times. And this is something that the world needs desperately. This leadership leads to greater innovation and genius, as we come together in both consciousness and action, to take on the most prominent crises that we face.

Another intrinsic evolution in the realm of spirituality and religion is the growing understanding that God or Spirit is, at first, an inward journey of exploration and discovery. To quote Steve Farrel, one of the speakers during this summit;
"Connecting with Gods Love Within, and expressing it outward"
I feel this sums up the global Gnosis that both mystic and mainstream spirituality is experiencing. That Truth lies within, and once we tap into it, every avenue of our experience is touched in the most beautiful and profound way. And now, through the medium of the internet, this experience can be shared with more of the world, adding to the far reaching impacts of authentic, spiritual experience.

Emergence of Conscious Media

It can be said that mainstream media has become defiled by the interests of corporations and governments, to control the information people receive on a daily basis. Again, with the advent of the internet and all of the wonderful opportunities it provides, a growing number of people are tapping into an entirely new source of information.

Before, the mainstream was really all there was for current affairs and news. Though, its not hard to believe that what the mainstream offers is nothing but topic-specific propaganda designed to control opinion, rather then inform it. Now a days we have an endless supply of podcasts, magazines, radio shows, documentaries, and countless other streams of media that provide us with a wide range of differing opinions and sources of information. And throgh these mediums, people have the opportunity to learn about certain things that they otherwise would never hear about. 

And its because of this that we are bringing forth a much more informed and intelligent society, which can lead to greater, collective evolution and co-creation. In fact, during this summit Sandra de Castro Buffington and Karen Everett, spoke about the growing demand for Pro-Social content on their respective media outlets. This just goes to show that centralized media is no longer offering what the people want, and with the myriad of alternatives, is slowly becoming a thing of the past.

So much of the alternative media is highlighting the power that lies in the hands of what may be considered ordinary people. Obvious demonstrations of social change and evolution are being shared on mediums such as YouTube and Conscious television networks around the world. This type of media has inspired a generation of people to become more active in their communities to “be the change”, rather then expect governments or leaders to do it first.

What else is interesting is the form that the new media is presenting this information. It was mentioned in the summit that the most powerful method of shifting consciousness through media, was through story-telling, which seems to have become a long lost art, used by earlier forms of civilization to convey both history and meaning. Most modern religions were born from oral teachings, passed on from master to student thousands of years ago. And now this powerful tool is re-emerging, assisting us in this global shift in consciousness.

As a greater extent of pro-social content appears in mainstream avenues of media, a natural expansion of awareness is taking place, as people are becoming increasingly more conscious of the many social, and technological innovations designed to respond to the various crises that we face as a species. This influx of shared information will “speed up” the shift in consciousness, allowing for greater change to take place in a shorter period of time.

How this media impacts our overall evolution has to deal with a concept revealed to us through Vladimir Vernadsky and Teilhard de Chardin known as the Noosphere. Essentially, the Noosphere is the “human thinking sphere”, which is constituted through the interaction of human minds. A prevailing belief is that all of Life shares One Mind (Mind of God), and the Noosphere is the particular sphere that is the medium in which this mind is shared.

The evolution of the Noosphere is directly effected by the amount of information that humans, as a collective, have access to. The more people who are subject to thoughts and idea's similar to those shared in Conscious Evolution, the more people will become social leaders focused on evolving and developing a new way of life in the world.

Oneness is Business

An sphere of human activity that is in dire need of evolution would be the business/commerce sector. In the western world, capitalism has become the prevalent module used when practicing business which has led to the rape and pillage of the earth's finite resources and an incredible divide between the rich and poor. The new vision for business is to incorporate the qualities and values of Oneness into the business sphere, to birth a more harmonious and sustainable module for humanity to implement.

As mentioned before, a whole generation of people are becoming social leaders in their respective fields, choosing to become entrepreneurs to share their insight and talents with the world. This surge of more harmonious consciousness in the sphere of business is leading to elevated business practices, or companies that are finding ways to unify consciously driven products and services that respect the environment and the consumer, while still maintaining a moderate profit margin.

In the summit, one speaker, Bharat Mitra, said;
“Business, in its true essence, is meant to be a vehicle to serve, a vehicle to bring value into society, where profit is merely a by-product, rather then the focus.”
It is this type of awareness that leads to a great healing within the sphere of business. It would seem that some where down the line, people forgot that business is organized service in lieu of focusing on profits alone, which has led to damaging business practices which bring harm to both the earth and its systems, as well as the consumers. Also, the consumer population is beginning to evolve in their sense of what a meaningful product or service is, which forces more and more companies to evolve their current business modals.

Another outdated modal for business's includes the idea of competition. For a long while it was thought that competition is what moved the economy forward, and was the cause of greater ideas and innovation. And this may have been true for a time, but with so many critical elements of our society falling apart, there is a much greater need for cooperation and synergy in stead of competition. The possibilities that are birthed through working together, sharing information and resources, far exceeds those found through competition alone. 

We can see this in a smaller scale, as more and more “smaller” organizations and business's are choosing to merge so as to expand their reach and improve the quality of their product/service that they offer to humanity. A product or service's quality expands exponentially when we unify our genius and efforts, and having the need for profit to remain as a by product rather then the goal.

Grassroots HUBS for the New Culture

Finally, the concept of Grassroots organizations and HUBS was addressed, which I found particularly interesting because this is where I see the real power of the people taking shape. Reliance on big corporations and governments has never led to positive, systemic evolution. Instead, it has been the efforts of Grassroots movements that have re-directed the attention of society, re-aligned our communities focuses, and brought a quality of harmonization to how we operate as a collective.

With a growing desire to be “connected” throughout the world, movements and HUBS such as these are becoming increasingly popular, and as they grow in presence and power, we can expect more sustainable change to take place in our communities. The new paradigm of unity, love, peace, and compassion is taking root in the consciousness of humanity, bringing forth more and more social leaders who are providing the opportunity for more people to get involved in their local communities. This is where the change takes place.

There have been several innovations in the methods we use to come together and share information. One such example would be the Vistar Method, designed by Victoria and Ron Friedman. Essentially, its an evolutionary modal to organize and execute a gathering so as to facilitate the greatest amount of insight and collective wisdom for co-creation, communication, collective awakening.

And as mentioned before, reliance on mainstream media to promote pro-social ideas and concepts, or to bring together coherent and meaningful information is simply not viable. And it is because of this that collectives at the grassroots level is so important to inform the public of the real potentials that exist, to be internalized and executed together.

In Conclusion

The summit itself was informative, and I hope that I was able to outline what was shared as completely as possible. The Shift Movement is one of many powerful campaigns ushering in the New Paradigm, and anchoring us all into the consciousness of Oneness, Peace, and Sustainability.

There is so many different ways each of us can get involved within our local communities to “be the change”, and assist in shifting from Ego to Essence (as Barbara would say). With so many different crises facing humanity, it is going to take the collective genius, effort, and the utilization of our evolutionary powers to turn the tide, and bring forward a world where Love, Peace, and Prosperity for all is the pillars holding us up.

Richest Blessings!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Blog (and Life) Updates

So its been almost 2 months since my last entry, and I will be honest, I have been looking into a different blogging service to put my articles and essays that I share. After some searching, it dawned on me that starting fresh is completely unnecessary, and I would much rather have the transformations I am going through to be shared in the same space I've used for over 2 years. 

As you can see, there have been some layout and design changes made (as well as the title). I've also recently returned to my given name, since I have begun exploring freelance writing as a viable, employment opportunity. Grimm Greyes is not dead, just want to keep my identity consistent throughout all of my social media and creative outlets. 

I've had some great ideas come up in my mind over the holidays, and I intend on sharing them here as they develop! Some of these ideas have to do with creative writing (a potential RPG), as well as non-fiction (children book series). Everything is still fresh, so nothing beyond that to share, but there will be in the very near future.

Now for the BIG news. 

It looks like my wife and I will be bringing another soul into the world!!! 

We are very excited about this, as is our other two boys. She's only about 13 weeks in, so it looks like we will be having a summer baby. I have a feeling its going to be a girl, but that information has yet to be disclosed. I know my wife would be THRILLED if it were, given that there is already a bunch of testosterone already present in the household. :P 

Well beyond all of this, we've had an amazing holiday break so far and I look forward to sharing more updates in the New Year! Be Happy! Be Joyous! Be Inspired! 


Friday, November 1, 2013

The Intuitive Faculty

That which is so aptly required for a thorough, and complete understanding of any subject, is also which has received the quaintest attention or development. Many of the sacred, and esoteric teachings which exist in the world today, are glossed over as unintelligible, or at worst, re-iterated with commentaries sourced from a mind UN-initiated into the deeper mysteries and Truths which exist within, just beyond our intellectual, line of sight.

The blatant ignorance which exists in the current, global, spiritual community is baffling. And its leaders are convinced that what they are offering to mankind will be of benefit, when in reality all it shall accomplish is leaving many millions of people with a bad taste in their mouth, and a distrust of the spiritual domain altogether. This can then lead one to 'pick' a path that suites their current, intellectual and emotional needs, stunting their Spiritual evolution down the road.

The missing element, or the “Key” as it has been called, which every path of Truth contains is the development of the Intuitive Faculty. This faculty is an outpouring of our Buddhic Potentia, an expression of that realm of Spirit which is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. All knowledge is contained within this plane of being, and through its use can we discern the deeper wisdom which lies at the heart of the worlds several spiritual and religious paths.

One of the purposes behind the 'confusing' or 'complicated' method in which occult, or esoteric, knowledge and wisdom are shared, is because if the language is to plain and simple, then the lesser meanings get absorbed, leaving the real juice of the fruit untasted. This breeds true spiritual famine, generating a population of arm-chair Spiritualists and internet guru's. I know this is true, because in my western life, real spiritual teaching [and teachers] are few, and far between. Though, this is a topic for another time.

Have you ever noticed that after reading a book or watching a movie, if you watch or read it again sometime later, you notice something you did not notice before? This is a common phenomena, happens all the time to almost everyone. It also seems to happen most when we are excited. I'm not hating on excitement, just bear with me. In the fervor of excitement [for example, the excitement of Gnosis], we can loose some bearing on our conscious focus, or in other words, our focus is narrowed, like a tunnel vision, reducing the quantity and quality of what we are trying to absorb or internalize. Its obvious how this can take away from the “real fruit”, leaving us with spoils that only sate the appetite of our intellect. And if we only had to make the monkey mind happy, there would be a greater population of semi self-realized humans walking the planet, teeter tottering within. When truth is left only to the intellect, then the truth is made into a system, a process, a carrot hanging from a stick,perpetually kept at a distance.

Considering that most esoteric knowledge was transmitted through analogy, symbolism, allegory, and poetry, its not difficult to understand why, in Christianity alone, we have several denominations or “off-shoots”, each claiming a different interpretation or point of view in regards to a single teaching. It really does not matter who the teacher was, it was always the same teaching, differing in language and context based on time period and geographical differences.

Only the true Initiate, one who was first instructed to evolve and expand their intuitive faculty, have ever been able to communicate, through any media, the Wisdom of the Ancients for the benefit of mankind. In several instances, the purpose of it being communicated to the masses was to keep it alive during a particularly dark period of human history, [The Christ Jesus is an example of this, considering that the greatest rape and pillage of human value and dignity occurred after his death. It required a well tuned and powerful intuitive faculty to know and understand the cycles of human evolution, and respond accordingly. Research Kali Yuga] veiled and protected within the minds of the ignorant, so as to not spoil its potential and power for our collective ascension, at a later date.

Without the aid of Intuition, Truths such as Unity, Cosmic/Christ/Krishna Consciousness, reincarnation, planes of existence, qualities of consciousness, the TOE, and so on, remain nothing more then conceptual or intellectual benchmarks of mediocrity, plainly reduced to materialism in some way. Merely stating that “We are One” is hollow and powerless, affording zero benefit outside of the speakers sense of self. Come from the BE-NESS of Truth, only achievable through the awakening of our latent, intuitive faculty.

Practical Application

Where does intuition come in?

Intuition is the “still small voice” that arises when we are still and our mind is quite. Meditation is the technology used to achieve this mental state, allowing for this voice or “inner teacher”, the true Guru, to pronounce its presence. In this field of awareness, we finally reside in the “Abode of the Father”, open in heart, to receive the clear vision and perfect knowledge.

When in study [and I'm assuming that what is being studied is of some spiritual value], practice relieving the mind of its labeling/categorizing/defining modes, and be open with what you are reading from deep within your heart. The sense of identity and personality will begin to fade, and it will take MUCH longer to finish a single book, but you will be engaging with the Buddhic Field where all knowledge, wisdom, and Truth calls home.

The Buddhic consciousness will also begin to arise spontaneously, perhaps while deep in meditation or through dreams, or suddenly in the midst of sleep, one experiences a powerful knowing or Gnosis. These “flashes of light” are truly flashes of a more refined consciousness, a more connected and unified consciousness that “wells up from the Plenum”.

When meditating, allow awareness to remain, still, undirected and unmotivated. Thoughts will come. Let them go. Do your best to keep attention centered, and awareness still. Maintain this for as long as you can, each time the duration will extend. As you allow this field of still awareness to grow, and last, the “still small voice” will begin to emerge, and the “Way” becomes clear.


Monday, August 12, 2013

Perfect Love

Perfect Love stems from an awareness that the local self is illusory, so choosing from it is flawed. And when we have chosen to come from the local self, we are simultaneously choosing to experience the false selves of others.

We "love" others, but this love is not true, because it is developed and created from the needs of the local self. Perfect Love is the love of God, extended from our eternal heart to the hearts of all others, knowing they too are emanations of the One, Divine Mind.

Once we relinquish the belief in separation, we open ourselves to the perfect Love of God. We can greater prepare our being for greater doses of this Love through becoming gateways for it, or vehicles of its extension. For as we give, we shall receive.

The law of this perfect love is the law of God. It is ever present, eternal, universal, and scalable. Scalable in the sense that this perfect love can be extended to all things of Gods creation, and never be too much, or too little.

Let us seek to dissolve the ties of our local self, so as to become more receptive to the perfect Love of God. And as we become greater instruments for this Love, we shall experience its benefits of peace to a greater degree.


Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Kingdom of God

"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God?" Know ye not that the name of God is I, or I AM, and that you are the temple of God only when you have admitted I into your consciousness and held It there secretly, sacredly, gently, peaceably, so that at any moment you can close your eyes and just remember I." - The Mystical I

As I breathe in the life force of God, my mind becomes still. Any sense of personal I - of me- fades into the eternal sea of Gods Love, releasing me from all human troubles and conditions. As the personal is dropped, the peace of God appears in my life.

How I shall eat, be clothed, be protected, healthy, secure, and prosperous, forever remains in the hands of God. I release all thought and belief that "I do the work alone".

"Not a blade of grass moves without my consent."

We are One with all the power of God. We are expressions of this eternal, and loving Mind. We exist in consciousness with God, and for this, we forever remain in Gods peace and love.

It is only when we engage with the illusion of personality, with identity, that we lead a life of suffering, straining, and struggle. If we only released the idea of person hood, of even our humanity, we would free ourselves into the ever present peace, and perfection of Gods Truth.

All of the worlds conflicts, and catastrophes arise from a disconnect - in consciousness - with Gods Truth. The illusion is believed to be the truth, and the effect of this demonstrates as the worlds current experience, both individually and collectively.

Any attempts of changing the world lies in the realm of futility. The world is illusion, and the truth which lies behind the illusion can only be revealed in consciousness at cause, and in the world of phenomena as effect. Therefore, seek to have the Christ within heal your perception, so that Heaven is revealed in the here and now, and in this way the world is forever changed.

Know that as you accept the Kingdom for yourself, all those who seek the same admittance, will be revealed to you.  And to the degree you have accepted the Christ as your teacher, will be the degree in which you can offer the same peace and love to your brother.

The love of God is absolute. It is eternal, and ever present. No matter where in the world you might be led, you are always in the care of your Father. You are never separate from Gods love. If a condition persists in your experience, which is of lack, scarcity, suffering, worry, or fear, then it is obvious that you have chosen the wrong teacher. You have forgone the Christ within, believing that your human powers are sufficient.

Such confusions (and there subsequent effects) can be healed in our consciousness, through admitting the Christ and accepting this greater vision. And once our vision has been purified by the Light of God, the world will be born anew. We will know peace to be here, now.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Teach it to Learn it

We each teach Truth to the degree that it has been internalized in our life. Some may consider the idea that "as we teach, we learn" to be some what contradictory. Should we not have full understanding, to learn all that there is about Truth, before uttering it as a teaching?

Let's take a look at what to teach means;

- From Middle English techen, from Old English tǣċan (“to show, declare, demonstrate; teach, instruct, train; assign, prescribe, direct; warn; persuade”).  - Source = Wiktionary

It can be said that the most powerful way to teach, is through demonstration. Interestingly enough, learning is best accomplished via the same technique. As we Teach (or demonstrate) Truth in our lives, we begin to internalize the teaching for ourselves, and with conscious awareness we begin to witness the powerful healing (learning) that occurs for both the teacher and the student.

It is in this way that the playing field remains even, as each individual is both conscious and cooperative with The Law, (As you give, so also shall you receive). The illusion of superiority is dissolved and each one, to their own degree, shall inherit the Kingdom, and the eternal peace which is ours.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Claim your Dominion!


Infinite Blessings.

Life is. I am. You are. 

The dominating belief in the world is an illusion, perpetuated by the "Liar", the voice in our conditioned minds, promising to protect us from the threats of the world while simultaneously defiling our awareness with the mud of limitation and separation. 

In our society, we are not educated on our true nature. Our true Power. We fall victim to the belief in our limited, body-mind, identity. And we spend our lives "Adding" to this illusory structure. It falls apart, and we exert energy and attention on 'rebuilding' this structure, out of the fear generated by the mis-truths of the Liar. 

You are reading these words, because in the deepest part of your being, you have asked to be free from these structures, from these lies. Still your mind. Pay attention only to this stillness. Let go of the world, even for a moment. And in that moment, claim dominion over your Mind.  Reside in the protection of your spirit, of your immutable being. Do not grant admission to the Liar, to enter your Holy Temple. Keep it pure, with the light of still consciousness. 

The fog will pass. The confusion cannot stay, for it is generated by that which comes and goes. Reach your peace, and there remain. For as long as you can, and you shall build strong pillars, molded with the cement of Love, granted by Spirit, by God. 

You need not listen to the Liar, and soon you will KNOW when the Liar is speaking. You will remember its lies, remember its deception. Pay it no Mind at ALL. Give your being to Spirit, to the eternal and ever lasting Light of Spirit. 


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Who are you? - A Story

There once was a young student who had begun down the path of self discovery. One day, while sitting with his Master, the Master asked him to go out and bring him back something that revealed who the pupil was. The student was not sure what the Master had meant by this, but never the less, head out to the nearest village in search of something that would show his master who he was.

While in the village, the student found an old man who did  portraits. He asked the man if he would paint him a portrait of him to bring back to his master. The old man did so, for a price. The student returned to his master with the portrait and said,

"Here Master, this is me."

 The wise master looked at the portrait for a moment, then with a shake of his head spoke,

 "No. I do not see you there. This is not you.."

The student was puzzled by this, but headed back to the village to find something else that would reflect who he was. After searching for awhile, he found a man who was taking photographs of people. The technology was very new, and was very expensive, but the Student wanted to please his Master, so he asked the man to take a photo of him. The student then returned to his Master and said,

"Here Master, surely this is me.."

The Master looked at the picture for a moment, and though it was impressive, the wise Master shook his head and spoke;

"No. I do not see you there. This is not you.."

Frustrated (and broke), the student gave up on his search and retired to his home to sit in stillness and meditation, hoping to reach an awareness of who he really was. During his spiritual practice, he slipped deep in to the stillness of his heart, and connected with the Source of his Spirit, with God. He was filled with great Love and Joy, and these experiences stayed with him.

The old Master came to his house and asked the student to walk with him. The pair headed in the direction of the small village that was near by, and as they walked, the Student noticed a small child trying to reach an apple that was out of reach, piled with other apples in a cart that were for sale. The student, without thought, moved towards the child and handed him the apple out of his reach, and even offered to pay for it (even though he had little money left).

The small boy was very happy, and hugged and thanked the student for his kindness. This made the Student even more filled with Love and Joy. And in that moment, the wise old master placed his hand on the students shoulder, turned and faced him, and said;

"There you are."


Monday, June 10, 2013

Upkeep. What we are Keeping Up..

If you think about it for a moment, you'll notice that a large portion of our day is spent maintaining something in our experience. Whether its a car, a body image, a home, or something non-physical like a sense of security, or comfort, or self worth, we devote a large portion of our time keeping up a particular experience.

And we need to ask ourselves, when we are in "upkeep" mode, what are we really keeping up? Nothing mentioned above can be said to be at cause of anything, so there has to be something deeper, more subtle that we are trying to maintain. We invariably are lead to the thoughts and beliefs we hold in consciousness as being at cause, so its in the dimension of Mind that we must put our attention and focus when trying to determine why we spend so much of our time in the "upkeep" of these things.

In truth, we are merely keeping up one (or more) of the illusions of phenomenal existence. Neale Donald Walsch, in his book Communion with God, very clearly outlined what those illusions are. You can find them here. Each of these illusions operate in our lives to a certain degree, which is determined by our conscious awareness of their activity. (The more awareness, the less they operate in our lives indiscriminately). 

So be sure to take some time to read over what the illusions are, and how they are operating in your life, and what is at effect because of them. For instance, the first illusion is the Illusion of Need. As it is explained in the linked article, this illusion leads to the dreadful pursuit of happiness. And of course, we don't really know what happiness is (thanks to the following illusions), so we project this need on to all the different things we are told will make us happy. 

We seek happiness in the exterior world, and therefore place our attention on the material things in our life (including the body) in a vain attempt of securing our happiness in them. We buy cars, electronics, games, clothing, makeup, accessories, drugs, etc.. all in the name of fulfilling a need. Of course, these things don't fulfill anything (not permanently) so we are forced to consume more of these things to get back to this illusory state of need-fulfillment. 

So all of this "Stuff" we try to accumulate in our lives are at Effect, while the Upkeep of the illusion of Need, is what is truly at Cause.  On an energetic level, this upkeep is literally exhausting, and can lead to negative emotional, mental, and physical responses. All of this upkeep is adding 'weight' into the sack we carry around, the sack of our identity. And most of us are completely unaware of these illusions being active in our lives, so we spend an entire lifetime dragging around our "Ego Sack", stopping once in awhile to offer maintenance to all of the things we consider reflections of who we are. When in fact, we are trying to sew our shadow back on as it keeps up in this endless cycle of cat and mouse, fulfilling needs that do not truly exist. 

So check out the article "10 illusions of humanity" and spend some time contemplating all the  different ways we are keeping up these illusions. Know that as you place awareness on any area of your life, the light of Consciousness begins to dissolve these illusions, revealing the true power that lies at your center. 

You are not the 'stuff of life'. 
You are before it. 


Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Science of Prayer

Whether you consider yourself religious or spiritual, the concept of prayer is probably not foreign to you. Prayer has been an effective tool to ease the stress of the mind, to bring focus to our attention, and to generate good will within consciousness. Though, I would admit, that most of us have never really been taught the truth about prayer, how its done (properly), and the metaphysical laws which govern its practice. I shall offer some insight into these area's here, so as to ensure that the next time you SYBD (Sit Your But Down) to pray, you'll have a clearer idea of what your actually doing.

One Mind

The most important thing to realize and understand about prayer, is what it is not. Many would have you believe that one is organizing a series of thoughts in their own mind, directing it to an outside source (the object of prayer, deity, etc..), to offer some degree of benefit. A person gets into an accident, and those close to them offer prayers. You need one more run to win the game, out comes the prayer-book. 

What is fundamentally flawed about this concept is that prayer is seen as some sort of Divine lucky charm that, when exercised, can tip the bar in our favor. This model of prayer does not coincide with what we can learn about The Law, nor does it reveal where the true power of prayer lies. Clearing up this misconception can transform our experience of prayer, as well as the personal experience of the Divine in our lives. 

The first confusion that arises in this model of prayer is the illusion of Separation. This is the most consistent and widespread illusion of the human experience. I am separate from you. We each have two, separate minds, which are also separate (and insignificant) to the mind of God. Correcting these false idea's will lead to a deepened experience of prayer, and wholeness.

Correct the idea of separation by embracing the truth, that we each SHARE the One Mind of God. We are not separate entities, rather, we are seemingly separate individuation's of this one mind. I say seemingly because if we were to look beneath mere appearances we would discover that we are all connected at the quint-essential dimension of being (Mind). Much like we see that there are many separate tree's, we will find that they are all connected by the same element (Earth), and therefore are joined in roots to the same "ground of being". (Pardon the pun..)

How does this revelation transform the nature of our prayer? 

Coupled with the fact that what we hold in consciousness with consistency, has the potential of manifesting in our experience, Prayer becomes an activity in consciousness, of shedding the false idea's surrounding the conditions of phenomenal experience and embracing the true nature of reality. If someone we know falls ill, we do not pray for their well being (which in truth is us empowering the idea of sickness), but instead release the idea of sickness in our mind entirely. We pray to cleanse all falsehoods and illusions from Mind so as to not remain fooled by appearances, and to allow the Truth of God and of Life to be expressed naturally. 


Typically we are moved to pray whenever something "bad" happens in our experience, or if we perceive the need to add a little "luck" to our endeavors. ("Dear God, please don't let me slip and fall as I accept my award"). This is the classical form prayer takes, and is the reason why we've become accustomed to having our prayers go 'un-answered'. The practice of prayer is not a means to bring Spirit into our human-hood, and this is why the effects of our prayer have been so inconsistent. 

Again, this idea is another misconception, generated by the illusion of separation. We believe that there are two worlds, a world of form made up of physical, gross matter. And then there is a world of Spirit, and this is where God is. These idea's are what have confused mankind for thousands of years, and in many ways has made prayer very ineffective. The correction that must be made in consciousness is that there is not two worlds, but One, expressed in two different ways. 

When one clears this misunderstanding, then the use of prayer becomes about dissolving/releasing our beliefs and idea's surrounding our human nature, so as to allow our Spiritual/Divine nature to find expression through us. Can sickness touch Spirit? Can Death? Can Misfortune? No. Only if we accept the idea that we are merely human can such concepts have an effect in our experience.Therefore prayer is not about increasing the quality of our human experience, but to deepen the experience (and subsequent expression) of our Spirit. 

Does this mean that it is useless to pray for others?

Not at all. 

In fact, our prayers become more potent, because we now understand that we do not pray to alter/influence/change the conditions of form. Instead our prayers for others becomes about cleansing our consciousness (which is the one consciousness we share), of all the thoughts and idea's which brought such experiences to bear in the first place. We seek to hold in mind the perfect vision of our Brothers and Sisters, and hold in consciousness the Truth about who and what they really are. This is the true power of our prayer. Not to fall into the illusion of temporary forms, but to bear the fruit of Truth in our consciousness. 

Praying for World Peace

There are times when, while we pray, we offer good will to all the world in the hopes of bringing an end to the widespread violence, hate, and sickness that plagues so many people. This is beautiful. Yet, people have been praying for this for a very long time, and in no wise has the human situation changed on planet earth. There is still war, violence, sickness, and brutality. Daily.

How does our new understanding of prayer apply to all of the world, and its turmoils?

The crises and problems of the world are merely the same issues and confusions we experience as individuals, but scaled to the entire collective. If we seek to bring about world peace through prayer, we will fall victim to the illusions mentioned above. Instead, the effect of our prayers -- of holding Truth in our consciousness -- translates into the ascension of our own consciousness. This ascension brings us out of the gross experience of life, and releases us into the grace of God, where the turmoils of the world are no longer entertained as truth. 

It is from this transformation of consciousness that we "change the world". By going within and treating the false idea's which are born from being hypnotized by outside appearances, we create a space in mind where we become expressions of this Divine Reality. There may be violence in some part of the world, but here and now, while you are held in the light of truth, such violence cannot take place. And where ever in the world that you travel, you shall bring with you this altitude of consciousness. You shall be anchored in spirit, and that light will shine in the minds of everyone with whom you join with in consciousness. 

This becomes the nature of your prayer. To transform the falsehoods held in mind with the light of Truth, the light of Spirit. To deny the false appearances of form and to correct these thoughts in consciousness so as to allow the expression of Divinity through you. Prayer is about cleansing our consciousness, and about sharing this wondrous reality that we have be born again into, with all the world and those that people it. 


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Being human.... is not enough...

There is something that is happening on our planet, and its not the first time. It has happened countless times over the billions of years that life has been evolving on earth, yet this is the first time it can be consciously directed, in response to the presence of life- threatening crises and breakdowns. As a collective, we have the opportunity to make a quantum leap.

This is what life does when it reaches a ceiling. When it reaches an impasse. A wall. A point of no return. We as a species have reached this point, where every aspect of our civilization, global culture, and technological mishaps have brought us to the edge of page. We can no longer go any farther at our current altitude of consciousness. In short, we must evolve or die.

There was a wise man who once said, 

"You can never solve a problem at the same level of consciousness that was used to create it." 
That is really the easiest way to put it. On every tier of experience, from Individual to Global, we are faced with a vast array of crises, conflicts, and experiential cul-de-sac's that are threatening the stability of our civilization. Some of these issues are new, while others have been building up over several decades. 

If we have any hope of bringing change to our individual and collective experience of life, then we need to get into the zone. This zone is the evolutionary impulse, the fuel of the immanent quantum leap. It resides at the heart of all life and drives it toward greater and more holistic expressions. Call it God, Universal Intelligence, Evolution, Love, etc... Regardless of how you paint it, it is the same thing that is compelling us all to take that next step towards are greatest yet to be. 

When I look to all of the issues and crises that we face in our personal lives, and all the conflicts in our collective circles I notice that each of them has been generated by the Human Being. Or, Homo Sapiens Sapiens to be more accurate. And if the above quote holds any truth to it, then its going to take a very drastic shift in the pillars of our idea's, thought's and beliefs of Who and What we are, so that we may begin taking steps in a more sustainable and enlightened way. 

I feel that, right now, we are each being called to let go of the old idea's we have held about who we are, and what we are capable of. If we are going to tackle all of these issues that we face, then its time we leveled up a little bit. I think its time to shed the skin of being merely Human, and allow the rise of a more spiritual, a more whole expression of life that is open to greater idea's, greater connection between us, and a world of infinite possibilities. 

Tiers of Change

This year has been a big one so far in the department of self development. Many experiences have really helped shape my perspective on a wide variety of issues, existing on each tier of experience. It had occurred to me that these tiers are not widely considered when approaching Change. It seems as if focus on "Global Change" is the most prominent, while community and individual change follow in behind. 

I've been giving this topic considerable thought over the last couple of weeks and just today I was struck with clarity on the why's behind some of my more recent direction changes. Its easy to jump behind the banner of "changing the world" but when you really think about it, the "World" is nothing more then a concept in the mind, patched together by the bits and pieces of news we catch online or on the tube. 

We obviously don't experience the world from a 1st person perspective, so we rely on our worldviews to fuel our passions for Global Evolution. But where does the real change take place? Lets take a look at the different tiers we are involved with day to day, so as to clearly punctuate where the real change is occurring. 

Tier 1: Individual

This first tier is where the real stuff happens. This is the internal and immediate exterior dimensions of our development. Whenever we are moving through thoughts, emotions, beliefs, blocks, our shadow, our relationships, and our behaviors we are operating on the 1st Tier. And it is at this tier that we turn to first whenever we seek to change the experiences of our life, in the 2 succeeding tiers. 

Tier 2: Community

The second tier represent the dimension of our influence and is greatly dependent on the shifts which happen in the first tier. How we show up to our neighbors, teachers, postal workers, garbage men, city council members, and total strangers reflects the development we have made in the 1st tier. The degree of our involvement in our immediate community determines how we view, not "The World" but "Our World". 

If we existed in a community setting that is productive, peaceful, and happy then such conditions would greatly influence what we would perceive as possible for the 'world at large', and in fact would carry with it considerable power to change other places that we do not immediately experience. At this tier we can see the ripples of our influence within the relationships we share in our communities. 

Tier 3: Global

This is the tier where development and shifts in the previous 2 tiers culminate. True global change occurs with the synergistic efforts of many groups of people working together for a common goal. These changes are caused by collective shifts in consciousness, where old world views deteriorate in the light of new discoveries and opportunities. 

I bring all of this up, not as an attempt to turn anyone away from pursuing global change, but for the purpose of highlighting how this change naturally takes place. I myself have experienced the frustration of having my eyes set on changing the world, only to loose steam from a lack of focus on the "here and now" of the world (or first 2 tiers). 

It is also important to note that each tier is deeply connected and that even the smallest shift made in the 1st tier has a direct effect on the proceeding 2 tiers or dimensions of experience. Lets not get caught up trying to change the "headlines" when we can be changing whats going on in our head.. 


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Being dragged

“Dying to your own attachments is a beautiful death.

Because this death release you into real life.
You have to die as a seed to live as a tree.” 
- Mooji

I am sure many people have had this experience. Your moving, but so is what is outside. And for a brief moment (or until your mind adjusts), one is not completely sure which is moving, the scenery or you? 
One of the many "mind-tricks" caused by the illusory nature of this world. 

Do you feel that you "move"? Does the belief exist in your consciousness that Who and What you are can move, change, or die? Check it out. Until we move beyond it, we can experience this illusion, that it is US in motion, and not the things around us. Though this is not true. It can't be, if what we are is changeless, deathless. 

Attachment is an unavoidable. And for good reason, because attachment is one of the primary tools we use as souls, to wake up from this dream, and realize the Truth of who and what we are. And it is within this journey, that we find the boundless stillness of our being, and become aware that it is the world which moves. Which sways. It is the illusion that "Ebbs and Flows". We are forever stationed in the state of perpetual, divine, stillness. We are perfect unto ourselves, so there is no need for movement. For inconsistency. 

Yet, we experience it. Until we don't. And we won't experience life in this way when we awaken to the eternal "anchor" which holds us in Truth, ad infinitum. When we wake up and realize that this world, by its very nature, is always 'coming and going',  we realize that we've been dragged, 'here and there', this whole time. An attachment arises, plays, and goes and our consciousness sticks with it. We hold on to it, feeling as if we need to, to sustain some less than idea about ourselves, and we get dragged. 

So what can happen if we "let go"?

There is only one way to find out.... :D


Friday, March 8, 2013


"For they are meaningful only to their maker, and so they have no meaning at all"
- ACIM -

We did not come into this life with identity. It was made. We came with no name, no idea or concept. We were birthed free from expectation or doubt. What of us then, was not made by us through this journey? What of others did we accept to be our own? What has this cost us? 

With what we have made we have discovered a land of fear, of suffering. Of sickness and death. And worst of all, we have found ourselves to be ALONE. And with this world we have made we have cast ourselves "into the pit". Guilt brought us here. Fear keeps us here. 

This is not the world God created. 

Truth must be shared, and this world we have made with our fear and our guilt is one we  experience alone. And for this reason alone, our world is not true.

"For these figures have no witnesses, being perceived in one separate mind only"
- ACIM -

We can choose to continue to live in this world we have made, where we suffer, get sick, and die. Or we can choose to give up the world we have made, and accept the Kingdom as it was created by the Father. The Kingdom is shared with everyone. It is shared with God. It is the ONE in ALL. 

It is in the world God created where he keeps our peace, our joy, our eternal love and grace. All we must do is put down that which we made at the "feet of the Lord" and accept the glory which is our birthright in the Kingdom of Heaven. 

So whats it going to be?

All.... or Nothing? 

Aum ♥

Safe Harbor

"It has been hopeless to attempt to find hope of peace upon a battleground" 
- ACIM Ch.29 - The Coming of the Guest - 

If we pay close attention to the moments we have when there is conflict with another, we will undoubtedly notice that in some part we have decided to allow our still waters to be troubled. We have accepted a less than idea of ourselves, and then projected it upon those whom we accept conflict. 

In the process of Awakening we will continue to have these moments of conflict until we fully and completely release the bag of bricks we carry along with us. In no way can we truly be of service to the world until we have let the world go. This includes everything we have made of ourselves. Being infinite, there is nothing we can apply to our stature that will in effect change anything about who and what we are. In the end, what we add in effect, subtracts from the Glory and Peace which is our birthright. 

Through the examples of the Masters, we have learned that true freedom is attained via the complete abandonment of our Ego/Body-mind, so that our True self may be expressed and experienced. This place of unique solitude may be called our Safe Harbor. Here is where the waters are forever still and remain so regardless of the stones that are thrown. This is the Peace of God. 

And is this not the true gift we can give to others (and thus receive)? If we seek to resolve our inner conflicts and to be vessels of peace in the world, would it not be the wisest to always reside in the safe harbor of the Father? Imagine the impact this would have on the Life around you. Each being whom enters your consciousness would be invited to release their bag of bricks for "it is not I that carries them". 

Let us seek to liberate ourselves and our brothers from the bondage of such tremendous weight and density. Let us be a Safe Harbor for the world so that all whom we share this dream may know that "before me ye are safe, and have no troubles". No man or woman would have use for their stories, beliefs, ideas, all of which are used to protect and defend against a world that they fear. In your presence and consciousness, give your Brother rest, for they have been waging a great battle within. 

Aum ♥