Sunday, May 27, 2012
Peace Within
When we approach our day, it is important to do so from a non-combative state of being. By this I mean that we should not SEEK for anything. Zero expectations. Only acceptance of our greatest good and the good for all others, that we may bring to them through our awareness of perfection.
An idea is empowered by the people who put focus and attention toward it, this is the most valuable universal principal to utilize consciously in our lives. Therefore, make LOVE the idea you wish to extend to your brothers and sisters of spirit. For it is in this state of LOVE and PEACE that we may be pristine conduits for Divinities expression.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Beyond Illusion
For many people, the day begins with a coffee or a tea. We prepare for the day and during the commute we are struck with a flooding of "information". Opinions, images, stories, etc..
Interestingly enough, most of this information points towards the illusions of our human experience. Lack, Need, Competition, Superiority, Negativity, and Loss. And whether we are conscious of it or not, these idea's have an impact on our subjective mind. They have the power to influence our attention so that we begin to see only what we are "told" to see.
As Awakened beings, we are given the tools and faculties to be aware of this interior manipulation. Therefore, it is our RESPONSE-ABILITY to counteract these falsehoods with very SIMPLE Universal Truths. We are IN the world, but NOT OF IT.
As we move through our day, let us be the bearers of the GOOD NEWS. That life need not be "this way". That Heaven is here, now. The the light of spirit shines through us, as us!
Rise and Shine
One may not constantly rise on their own terms in the morning. Whether it be an ear piercing alarm clock, or a small child causing a ruckus..the sun always rises peacefully. I take this moment and recognize the deep connection I have with the sun and I call upon the energies this glowing ball of gas releases unto our world..I bathe peacefully in it's radiance. I feel alive, energized as I soak up the light for my days new beginning..and I am grateful. I am grateful for today, to be alive, the connection with our earth, our sun and our moon. I bless this day, this moment. I spread my arms wide, completely and utterly receptive to the ONE. For deep in my heart, at the core of my being I know I AM this ♥
L♥VE :)
Open Arms
I welcome this day with open arms
and view my life without harm
Thoughts may arise throughout my day
they do not define me, I am okay
I may hear them come and go,
for this is the lesson I am shown
I have the power to live in the NOW
Do not resist, is the How
I will not put focus into my thinking
I know from experience,
one will define their being
Life is amazing in every single way
I just count my blessings each day
I have so much to be grateful for
My breath, the sun and so much more
I am alive, here and NOW
So I celebrate my existence with a shout
I drop my awareness into my heart
and each day when I wake this is my start
For it is a new day to create
from love on a clean slate
My past is long gone, and not with me today
I release and let go of all the pain
These thoughts may arise throughout my day
..or not
that depends on my ways
So, I keep myself centered on peace and love
gaze into the clouds I view above
for I am connected to everything, and that's enough
for me to to live in this moment..
right here
right now
Stillness Speaks
In this moment I quiet the mind
the mind that creates thoughts
that aren't even mine
I breathe deeply in this knowing
for this moment is all there is
I feel love in my heart, complete bliss
I shed all false beliefs of who think I am
and sit in the stillness
because I can
I feel the connection with the Infinite One
I am much more then this body
or a mothers son
I am One with Nature, with God and You
for we are One
some without a clue
and that is okay
our connection is so deep
we are one of the same
many times I too, lose my way
trapped in thoughts
of yesterday
I make the time to go within
where truth speaks
So I listen
My life is perfect in every way
I have infinite
opportunities to create
I am grateful for this
the wisdom I have
I will forever cherish
The light within me is so strong
I open my heart
and share with everyone
For Silence Speaks both HERE and NOW
just quiet the mind is the how
Listen carefully
and be patient with the self
YOU are LOVE right here right now
Gratitude 2.0
In this moment I open my heart, release any thoughts and create balance at the core of my being.
I am receptive to the opportunities abound and create miracles from them. I am grateful for the seen and the unseen, loved ones who participate in my life and the willingness to unlearn all I have forgotten. In this moment I choose love.. and I am eternally grateful for this. I am grateful for this life, my breath, the beating of my heart upon my chest. I am grateful for nourishment and rest, for the sun and the moon and especially my family. I cherish the wisdom that unfolds in my life and I share with others at the most perfect time. I love.. because I choose too. I share.. for I yearn too. I laugh, smile, hug, play, kiss, dance, sing, paint, make love.. and my body works in perfect harmony for the I AM to be expressed fully and completely. I thank God, Source, Love, Energy.. the I AM presence for my uniqueness. I AM simply a branch from the whole, deeply connected too ALL branches that form this beautiful tree of life. I AM here, NOW. That is what IS.. nothing more nothing less. When my thoughts slip into confusion, I place my hand upon my chest and rest in the quietude of my internal, eternal wisdom.
In this Moment
In this moment I choose love
I fill my heart with this valuable emotion
and give it away..
I share this magical feeling from god to
the world.. and create peace in my heart
I experience love by BE-ing loving,
and it feels so good!
I reside in complete and utter bliss
and smile with gratitude
This moment is all there truly is
and I choose to make the best of it
by BE-ing authentic in each moment
Love will not change the world,
love will create change in the hearts
of humanity.. How glorious is that?!
Love dissolves all fear in the
light of our souls
and the more we are receptive to
this new, creative way of living
We will finally experience Peace
I fill my heart with this valuable emotion
and give it away..
I share this magical feeling from god to
the world.. and create peace in my heart
I experience love by BE-ing loving,
and it feels so good!
I reside in complete and utter bliss
and smile with gratitude
This moment is all there truly is
and I choose to make the best of it
by BE-ing authentic in each moment
Love will not change the world,
love will create change in the hearts
of humanity.. How glorious is that?!
Love dissolves all fear in the
light of our souls
and the more we are receptive to
this new, creative way of living
We will finally experience Peace
Everything I need to know is revealed to me
~I am receptive to the Divine~
Everything I want comes to me
~ I am receptive to the One~
Everything I wish to experience flows through me
~I am receptive to wisdom~
I love myself for bringing myself to this moment.
This one, right Here and Now.
Everything is perfection, manifested by the ultimate
intelligence that operates LIFE.
The answers within comes into my awareness with ease.. I am grateful
All I see is beauty and all I see is love,
I have attracted such adoration in to my life.. For everything is a reflection of me
Thank you source, for letting me see
The Measure of Love
"The measure of Love, is to Love without measure"
Today I recognize the love found in me. I celebrate this feeling and extend it to the world.
I know the purest form of love comes from a person that is deeply connected to their soul. The beauty is not tarnished by falsehoods of the mind.
The mind can misinform the Self of what is true, so come from your heart center because that is the only place that is real.
I choose to create my day from my heart. Through expressions of love and peace, I unlock more of who I truly am.
Today I choose to smile, play and literally be "out of my mind"..
just like a child. No worries, no fears. Just simply LOVE ♥
Children are the best teachers of the world. They consistently come from their heart space and are willing to share such beauty with everyone around them.
They are instantly forgiving and never hold onto illusions of the past or future, they are always present.
Their constant reminder is beautiful, that NOW is all we really have. So have fun, enJOY life and smile at everyone around you. :) ♥
Today I recognize the love found in me. I celebrate this feeling and extend it to the world.
I know the purest form of love comes from a person that is deeply connected to their soul. The beauty is not tarnished by falsehoods of the mind.
The mind can misinform the Self of what is true, so come from your heart center because that is the only place that is real.
I choose to create my day from my heart. Through expressions of love and peace, I unlock more of who I truly am.
Today I choose to smile, play and literally be "out of my mind"..
just like a child. No worries, no fears. Just simply LOVE ♥
Children are the best teachers of the world. They consistently come from their heart space and are willing to share such beauty with everyone around them.
They are instantly forgiving and never hold onto illusions of the past or future, they are always present.
Their constant reminder is beautiful, that NOW is all we really have. So have fun, enJOY life and smile at everyone around you. :) ♥
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Dissolving Identity
Truthfully, we are NOT what we THINK we are. How can a wise man sincerely believe, that the pure light of awareness can be comprehended in the finite frame of our mental faculties?
This is about removing falsehoods, shedding beliefs and concepts that limit us. Taking off the myriad of masks we wear. Many 'spiritual' paths will lead you to believe that there is something to learn, that there is something you must first begin to understand before peace and harmony is yours. This is a ruse. Heaven is never kept from you, never hidden and never withheld. The Kingdom is here, now.
Move deep into the stillness of your being where not even the false light of ego can follow, and be in this space. Whats it like? Can it be said that there is something there that enjoys or does not enjoy? Is there an identity there that is holding on to an idea? A Belief? A Concept?
The Force
"Luminous beings are we... Not this crude matter.. "
Our spiritual sight illumines the true nature of life, falsehoods melt away giving clarity to who and what we really are. With this self knowing, our spirit becomes the motivation of all our thoughts, words and actions. From a place firmly set in spirit, Love becomes the driving force and energy in our lives, allowing us to not only perceive but also perform miracles... the true duty of the Jedi.
Divine Self
Divinity is the canvas in which all things arise and are created. At our core, we have pure intelligence, governed by a unified law, guided by Love. Through the course of our incarnations we either nurture this Divine Self or we neglect it. Its presence forever remains just as if we choose not to water our plant seeds, the potential and intelligence within that seed forever remains.
Our eternal self seeks expression and through right thinking and right action do we nurture its expansive nature. We create a space for it to mature and grow and become the dominant element in our lives. And unlike plants, this does not create a scene for competition, one flower fighting for more light and water. When we arrive at this most pure, authentic place we become a source of 'light and water' for all those around us. We become conscious of the ever present miracles in our lives, both those occurring for us and those occurring through us.
Today let us be mindful whether we are nurturing our Divine self, or neglecting it through irresponsible behaviors. (By irresponsible, I mean to have a RESPONSE-ability).
There is an intelligence which imbues ALL creation. Every cell of your body, every nucleus, every star, every speck of dust, EVERYTHING. This intelligence is present within you, as you, and operates in the phenomenal word through you. And in stillness we can join with the evolutionary impulse, unifying with this AWESOME intelligence that brought form from the formless void.
This intelligence is Loving, Expansive, and in Harmony with itself. This will demonstrate in our lives to the degree in which we accept AND expect our greatest good to unfold. This good is before all idea's, concepts and beliefs. It is the substance in which ALL of this creation ARISES. YOU are before all things, and when all things move to dissolution you shall remain ad infinitum.
Homo Universalis
Each day we move in to a greater, conscious awareness of our truest nature. As we mature spiritually, attaining higher altitudes of consciousness we give expression to greater Divinity into our lives. This 'unfoldement' is leading towards the emergence of a completely new form of life.
We live in a time that is not only historically auspicious, but will be the stage where planet earth is occupied by both the archetype of human potential and its literal presence in the world. Homo Universalis or "Universal Human" reflects divine union and love with all manifest reality, and harmony with its invisible causes.
Know that right here, right now as you read these words you represent a growing population of an entirely new species, THE UNIVERSE IN PERSON. Celebrate! Share! Love! The time is NOW!
The Christ
When we drop all our false beliefs and seek to uncover the essence of our being, we find Christ. In truth, we are the Christ. We are the Sonship. We are the "Light of the World". Let us walk on this earth as a power OF Love, Compassion, Joy. Let us give back to our Brother's and Sisters their truest selves. Miracles are at the heart of all experiences. Let us be the ones to ALLOW them expression in this world, through us, as us.
We are eternally connected to all of life. God is not split, it does not have parts. It is eternal and whole. Our experience of being arises within this immutable sea of potentiality. We are surrounded by Love.
If we are not separate from creation, if in fact we are eternally one with all which manifests in our awareness, then by our very conscious affirmation of this Unity life all around us responds to our intentions and energetic atmosphere. Let us approach even the smallest and fragile creature with the INFINITE Love in our hearts, for we are the conduit of Gods presence in the world.
We should never keep this from anyone or anything.
Only One Thing
Out through our eyes, the Kosmos gazes upon itself and is glad. It moves through life, as life, awakening each nucleus to the grand awareness of its Unified being. As we sit in stillness, we grow our sense of connectedness to each other as we drop the veils of illusory separation. And deeper then this, we drop the false sense of identity, and from this space we move into conscious awareness of our truest self.
Know that, that which is looking through my eyes is the same looking through yours. And when we come together in authentic communication and relationship, we have brought more Truth in to this false reality. We are each a mirror, reflecting back Divinity in the degree we have accepted it as our own.
As we move through our lives holding the intention of our greatest good we reside in a space of perfect grace. Little of the "outside" world makes its way into our interior peace, though if and when we step out of this space of gratitude and love we become open to the turmoils of the outside world. Its not difficult to look upon the behaviors of mankind and become disheartened.
It is in these moments we are called to practice forgiveness. And this is meant not to be offered to others so much as it is given BACK to ourselves. We forgive ourselves for mis-perceiving truth, for placing judgements on false idea's, for confining the infinite into a finite box of un-reality. Forgiveness is the path to correct seeing which leads to correct and authentic experience.
If today we are met with any challenges, know this need not be, forgive ourselves for perceiving amiss and creating space for Truth to be demonstrated in our lives.
All is Thought - The Mind of God
"What is not a thought, when even the thinker... is a thought..?" - Mooji
Today let us look closely at our most cherished idea's and beliefs about life. If upon inspection we can not tie our beliefs to something eternal, our thoughts to something ever-lasting, then let us reduce our awareness to that which is before them all. In truth, we are that which all of these phenomenal things arise within. It cannot be looked at, it cannot be observed. It can only BE. Much like a flashlight cannot illuminate itself, nor can our Divine Consciousness look upon itself. It can only reside in the beingness and knowing that IT IS.
The nature of this consciousness is LOVE. This Love SEEKS expansion, to be shared with others so it may multiply. And with knowing this as Truth, make your life about being in harmony with this Divine Urge. Seek to become the Love that you are, and share it with all the world.
You are The Light
Each of us is spirit in form, God in person. This in itself reveals an awesome power that is at our disposal. And this power is always On. Always active. And through the conscious utilization of this power, we may move mountains!
We call forth, from the most authentic place in our hearts, to be expressions of Divinity, Compassion, Joy, and Love in this world. To awaken others to the Power within them so that they may begin to utilize it in the fashion it was meant to be used.
Know that from you Light emerges and through you the world may be healed of all false concepts and beliefs that cause all illness, dis-ease, and suffering. Be the Christ, and offer to your self and your brother, true and absolute Freedom.
Divine Expressed
As we each come to new plateaus of conscious awareness, we begin making solid connections with the dominant psychic stream of our world. Each of us are an avenue for the Divine to be expressed, through us, as us.
Each day, we will have peak experiences of Love, compassion, surrender, and Joy. In these moments, let us join together in consciousness and strengthen this eternal bond we share. And in the moments when the opposite arises in our awareness, let us bring focus to our hearts and mind so that we may re-connect with this Awesome vision.
We seek not to replace or correct anything in this world. The Kingdom of your Spirit is HERE and NOW! From this spirit flows the abundance of the Kosmos, and all of it shall be ours if we choose to receive it. There is not trying, there is no getting. There is ONLY being. And from your Infinite Being does all things flow. Let go ideas and thoughts of limitation or lack, and bear witness to the demonstration of abundant supply in your life.
Accept in this moment Abundant Love, Compassion, Joy, Purpose, Friendship, Intimacy, Community, Knowledge, and Inspiration!
Be Still
As we sit with the intention of becoming still, we are aligning our heart and mind toward the Inner Light which we are. We enter into conscious union with the infinite, and there we tap into a eternal sea of Love. This peace and Love extends itself to all things in the Kosmos, for simply there is only One.
Let us always come from our highest knowings and most purest altitude of consciousness. Let us be vessels for the "Kingdom" to be expressed in this world. The miraculous is what WE ARE.
God Godding
God moves upon God. This is the starting point of Creation. Every time one conceives an idea, it is God expressing Himself. He is eternally knowing, and eternally known, through everyone. It is God’s nature to know, and there is an emotional craving, or desire for expression, inherent in the Universe. There is a Universal Law obeying the Will of Spirit. This is the Law through which that which is involved evolves. We, as conscious Spirit, set a Universal Law in motion which makes things from ideas.
Evolution, then, is not a thing in itself; it is an effect. Behind all objective form, there is a subjective likeness which exactly balances the thing evolving from it. Evolution is the time and the process through which Spirit unfolds! In so far as any individual understands this mental Law, he is able to use it. We must learn how it works and comply with the way it works. It is an obedient servant. As a man sows, so also shall he reap. Involution and evolution, the thought and the thing, the Word and the Law, the purpose and the execution...this is the sequence.
- Excerpt from Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes
From this, in stillness, we find arising a bottomless well of Universal Love. We move into gratitude for this awesome power and move into a conscious awareness whilst utilizing it. The world is not meant to be healed. Healing occurs only when man perceives through a 'filter less' gaze, dissolving the apparent separation between Observer and that which is Observed. There is only ONE, and YOU are IT.
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