Tuesday, May 15, 2012



As we move through our lives holding the intention of our greatest good we reside in a space of perfect grace. Little of the "outside" world makes its way into our interior peace, though if and when we step out of this space of gratitude and love we become open to the turmoils of the outside world. Its not difficult to look upon the behaviors of mankind and become disheartened.

It is in these moments we are called to practice forgiveness. And this is meant not to be offered to others so much as it is given BACK to ourselves. We forgive ourselves for mis-perceiving truth, for placing judgements on false idea's, for confining the infinite into a finite box of un-reality. Forgiveness is the path to correct seeing which leads to correct and authentic experience.

If today we are met with any challenges, know this need not be, forgive ourselves for perceiving amiss and creating space for Truth to be demonstrated in our lives.

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