Tuesday, May 15, 2012

All is Thought - The Mind of God

"What is not a thought, when even the thinker... is a thought..?" - Mooji

Today let us look closely at our most cherished idea's and beliefs about life. If upon inspection we can not tie our beliefs to something eternal, our thoughts to something ever-lasting, then let us reduce our awareness to that which is before them all. In truth, we are that which all of these phenomenal things arise within. It cannot be looked at, it cannot be observed. It can only BE. Much like a flashlight cannot illuminate itself, nor can our Divine Consciousness look upon itself. It can only reside in the beingness and knowing that IT IS.

The nature of this consciousness is LOVE. This Love SEEKS expansion, to be shared with others so it may multiply. And with knowing this as Truth, make your life about being in harmony with this Divine Urge. Seek to become the Love that you are, and share it with all the world.

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