Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dissolving Identity

Truthfully, we are NOT what we THINK we are. How can a wise man sincerely believe, that the pure light of awareness can be comprehended in the finite frame of our mental faculties?

This is about removing falsehoods, shedding beliefs and concepts that limit us. Taking off the myriad of masks we wear. Many 'spiritual' paths will lead you to believe that there is something to learn, that there is something you must first begin to understand before peace and harmony is yours. This is a ruse. Heaven is never kept from you, never hidden and never withheld. The Kingdom is here, now.

Move deep into the stillness of your being where not even the false light of ego can follow, and be in this space. Whats it like? Can it be said that there is something there that enjoys or does not enjoy? Is there an identity there that is holding on to an idea? A Belief? A Concept?


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