Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Beyond Illusion

For many people, the day begins with a coffee or a tea. We prepare for the day and during the commute we are struck with a flooding of "information". Opinions, images, stories, etc..

Interestingly enough, most of this information points towards the illusions of our human experience. Lack, Need, Competition, Superiority, Negativity, and Loss. And whether we are conscious of it or not, these idea's have an impact on our subjective mind. They have the power to influence our attention so that we begin to see only what we are "told" to see.

As Awakened beings, we are given the tools and faculties to be aware of this interior manipulation. Therefore, it is our RESPONSE-ABILITY to counteract these falsehoods with very SIMPLE Universal Truths. We are IN the world, but NOT OF IT.

As we move through our day, let us be the bearers of the GOOD NEWS. That life need not be "this way". That Heaven is here, now. The the light of spirit shines through us, as us!


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