Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Open Arms

I welcome this day with open arms
and view my life without harm
Thoughts may arise throughout my day
they do not define me, I am okay
I may hear them come and go,
for this is the lesson I am shown
I have the power to live in the NOW
Do not resist, is the How
I will not put focus into my thinking
I know from experience,
one will define their being
Life is amazing in every single way
I just count my blessings each day
I have so much to be grateful for
My breath, the sun and so much more
I am alive, here and NOW
So I celebrate my existence with a shout
I drop my awareness into my heart
and each day when I wake this is my start
For it is a new day to create
from love on a clean slate
My past is long gone, and not with me today
I release and let go of all the pain
These thoughts may arise throughout my day
..or not
that depends on my ways
So, I keep myself centered on peace and love
gaze into the clouds I view above
for I am connected to everything, and that's enough
for me to to live in this moment..
right here
right now

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