Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Gratitude 2.0


In this moment I open my heart, release any thoughts and create balance at the core of my being.
I am receptive to the opportunities abound and create miracles from them. I am grateful for the seen and the unseen, loved ones who participate in my life and the willingness to unlearn all I have forgotten. In this moment I choose love.. and I am eternally grateful for this. I am grateful for this life, my breath, the beating of my heart upon my chest. I am grateful for nourishment and rest, for the sun and the moon and especially my family. I cherish the wisdom that unfolds in my life and I share with others at the most perfect time. I love.. because I choose too. I share.. for I yearn too. I laugh, smile, hug, play, kiss, dance, sing, paint, make love.. and my body works in perfect harmony for the I AM to be expressed fully and completely. I thank God, Source, Love, Energy.. the I AM presence for my uniqueness. I AM simply a branch from the whole, deeply connected too ALL branches that form this beautiful tree of life. I AM here, NOW. That is what IS.. nothing more nothing less. When my thoughts slip into confusion, I place my hand upon my chest and rest in the quietude of my internal, eternal wisdom.

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