Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Divine Self

Divinity is the canvas in which all things arise and are created. At our core, we have pure intelligence, governed by a unified law, guided by Love. Through the course of our incarnations we either nurture this Divine Self or we neglect it. Its presence forever remains just as if we choose not to water our plant seeds, the potential and intelligence within that seed forever remains.

Our eternal self seeks expression and through right thinking and right action do we nurture its expansive nature. We create a space for it to mature and grow and become the dominant element in our lives. And unlike plants, this does not create a scene for competition, one flower fighting for more light and water. When we arrive at this most pure, authentic place we become a source of 'light and water' for all those around us. We become conscious of the ever present miracles in our lives, both those occurring for us and those occurring through us.

Today let us be mindful whether we are nurturing our Divine self, or neglecting it through irresponsible behaviors. (By irresponsible, I mean to have a RESPONSE-ability).

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