Tuesday, May 15, 2012

God Godding

God moves upon God. This is the starting point of Creation. Every time one conceives an idea, it is God expressing Himself. He is eternally knowing, and eternally known, through everyone. It is God’s nature to know, and there is an emotional craving, or desire for expression, inherent in the Universe. There is a Universal Law obeying the Will of Spirit. This is the Law through which that which is involved evolves. We, as conscious Spirit, set a Universal Law in motion which makes things from ideas.

Evolution, then, is not a thing in itself; it is an effect. Behind all objective form, there is a subjective likeness which exactly balances the thing evolving from it. Evolution is the time and the process through which Spirit unfolds! In so far as any individual understands this mental Law, he is able to use it. We must learn how it works and comply with the way it works. It is an obedient servant. As a man sows, so also shall he reap. Involution and evolution, the thought and the thing, the Word and the Law, the purpose and the execution...this is the sequence.

- Excerpt from Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes

From this, in stillness, we find arising a bottomless well of Universal Love. We move into gratitude for this awesome power and move into a conscious awareness whilst utilizing it. The world is not meant to be healed. Healing occurs only when man perceives through a 'filter less' gaze, dissolving the apparent separation between Observer and that which is Observed. There is only ONE, and YOU are IT.

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